Plant in Home Garden My Favourite

in HiveGarden6 months ago

Very good morning!

This is 1st week of month I hope keep bringing cool stuff like garden. every day we are must maintain and shaping our life. Whatever we throw out there will always return like garden

I love Hive garden community and they cool stuff bringing me and each post motivating me to do more cool stuff in garden areas and my surroundings
I would like to share about my Favorite plants and them as below

                                My pomegranate Plant

Why is the Pomegranate Plant my Favorite ?. Because I have a short story to share . Yes this plant is not Planted by purchasing from a botanical garden or nursery shop. We simply brought some pomegranates fruits in local shop. Some of the fruits were half rotten. Same way happen to me. So I throw back to my gardening area.

Most of rotten fruits and vegetable waste I usually to throw into my gardening area to improve my gardening soil fertility purpose. Same way I did this happen more over one year back. one day i found as a small Pomegranate plants in my home garden, on that day from still now i am taking care My Pomegranate plant. By pouring proper water and fertility in organic way. Adding vegetable waste and food day. this help me to grow my plant is health manner.

After One year of This Plants providing the beautiful fruits in unexpected way

I realize that Gardening and nature are cool stuff in this world. Whatever we throw out there will always return like garden. We must live our life life in sustainable way. #sustainable. This noting but the humans and nature can coexist in harmony for current and future generation. Either direct or indirect

I hope this not a long short story, this is reality what I learn my day today life. I always refer as super food because this pomegranate help protect cells and also the fruits are expensive price in market while selling.

Why the Pomegranate Plant is my Favourite one of my best reason is live over 100-200 years. Finally I planted one trees for 100 to 200 years eco friendly for my future generation

Bottom of my heart Hive gardening makes me a different person from other by motivating others to make gardening and indirectly they making sustainable world.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new. Thank you so much Hive for giving me an opportunity to become a better person again through writing. See you on my next blog.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a great day! The images and writing are original and mine home Garden. The writings in this post are my own.

Every day or weekly once i will try to my post of my new gardening work

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