Hecha un vistazo a mi Carnívora 🍃

in HiveGarden3 years ago

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Hola amigos amantes de las plantas y de lo exótico De esta comunidad hivelovers, desde hace tiempo quería publicar un post de otra de mis pasiones. Hace años somos coleccionistas de estás raras pero hermosísimas plantas.


Tenemos poco más o menos unos 3 meses con esta preciosa y cautivadora Nephentes del género carnívoras, se le llama comúnmente plantas Jarro, por sus jarros de dónde recolectan su alimento.


Su habitad y origen es de Madagascar, Malasia, Filipinas y nueva Guinea. Se ubican en lugares boscosos y montañosos. Gracias a la facilidad de los envíos internacionales logramos adquirirla


Al principio después de su largo viaje y el cambio de clima le costo un poco adaptarse pero ya ha pasado la prueba. He aprendido a cuidarla


Deseo que sea de agrado y dejen sus comentarios si les gusta o cultivan este tipo de plantas, es apasionante 💕💕💕


Hello friends plant lovers and exotic of this community hivelovers, for some time I wanted to publish a post of another of my passions. For years we are collectors of these rare but beautiful plants.

We have about 3 months with this beautiful and captivating Nephentes of the carnivorous genus, commonly called Pitcher plants, because of the jars from which they collect their food.

Their habitat and origin is Madagascar, Malaysia, Philippines and New Guinea. They are found in forested and mountainous areas. Thanks to the ease of international shipments we are able to acquire it. 

At the beginning after her long journey and the change of climate it took her a little while to adapt but she has passed the test. I have learned to take care of her 

I hope you like it and leave your comments if you like or cultivate this type of plants, it is exciting 💕💕💕💕

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 3 years ago  

Your pitcher plants look amazing! If I may ask, can it thrive inside the house?

Hello, Thank you for commenting on my publication.
Yes, thank God it is prospering and we are doing very well. Every day more and more new pitchers are coming out. Beautiful. I only water deeply once or twice a week at the most.