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RE: Garden Journal Early July, Part 2 - Less Moaning, More Hard Yakka

in HiveGarden3 years ago

“yakka”… mmmh in French, this is a slang expression for “it is sufficient (to do this and that)”. It is a contraction for "il n'y a qu'à (faire ceci ou cela)". It was heavily used during COVID times where many internet-grown experts where suggestion to do this, or that, without any proof or idea of what they were saying…

I hope all of this gardening didn’t exhaust you too much, with the COVID situation…

 3 years ago  

It did exhaust me. Now I'm just doing little things at a time. A bit frustrating to be so exhausted when there's so much to be done. That's interesting about the French yakka!

Just to continue on that topic, I came back home yesterday evening and I basically collapsed, completely exhausted :(