ligayagardener cross-posted this post in HiveGarden 4 months ago

A peaceful blend

in Natural Medicine4 months ago


Freshly foraged peace - a mix of Hawthorn leaves and flowers and Wild Rose petals.

Both of these beautiful, gentle herbs (well, you mat not think Wild Rose is gentle after going foraging for it!) are in the Rosaceae family.

Most of that family are calming, relaxing, soothing and cooling. They're slightly bitter or even a little sour to taste, both taste mean that they move energy and heat from places of stagnation.

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) known for its ability to help our circulatory system, especially our heart. It is also used herbally to open the heart, emotionally not physically (that would be a mess), allowing us to accept, express and let go of grief. It helps us to be more open to others.

Hawthorn flowers

Wild Roses (Rosa canina etc) also have properties that help our circulatory system and emotions. As a Bach Flower Remedy, it helps folks who are stuck because they've had a hard trot in life and have given up and just accept what life throws at them but can't move beyond that into a positive view of life.

Wild Rose.

So you can see how both make a beautiful combination, especially in these times where even the gentlest of people must harden their hearts a little. This mix can help them to work through what they need to without becoming cold hearted.

Some of you may have seen that I've been writing a series of posts about herbs and making herbal remedies at home. I want to share what I know of this topic so that, as the world gets crazier, folks will have other avenues of medical care, namely those of themselves and their community. If you look back over this blog, you can see heaps of info on the topic, plus loads and loads of posts on herbs and using Australian bushfoods from a white perspective. If you haven't been around on in the @hivegarden and @naturalmedicine communities for long, you may be interested in looking back. There's w-a-a-a-a-y too much there for me to repost and the Hive system doesn't let you vote on old posts so, if you're happy with what you find, I believe that there is now a tip option...

