Kratky is such a good method. We started an outside system this year and, just like you, are enjoying heaps of cut and come again veggies, especially celery.
I'll have to go back over some of your older posts and check out your basement in more detail. It sounds like a lot goes on there.
Heehee yes à lot will go on!!! Last winter was our first time li ing in that house, so we were mostly remodeling the place to make it as we want it. This year will be a lot more. We started our pantry but that's ajout it.
The kratky method is awesome, yes! We had that in 4 gallon buckets with grow lights in the living room!
Thanks for looking
I've been doing my Kratky outside but in a fairly sheltered place. The problem is that when it rains, the tubs overflow and I lose nutrients.
I suspect something also happens to the roots that get exposed to the air overtime too, they harvest oxygen out of the air as your liquid evaporates.
So yeah I could imagine you lose quite a bit of nutrients when they overflow
Oxygen uptake from nutrient solution is an issue in the cold too.
Ah yes, thank you. We'll be doing this again this winter in the basement.
Ah yes, we'll be doing this again this winter in the basement.