I hope you will be fine 😊
Let's start today's topicHi! everyone #hive #Friends👋❣
"Shady Tree Conference" By @lion01
#photography #hive #hivegarden #ecency #all #contest
Ep#11 By @lion01❣
Today I am here after a long time I'm sorry I could not post anything recently because I have been sick for a few days
But now I am feeling better so let's get back on track and head toward posting again
I hope you liked my posts
& others Love you all of them
I remember or not but those who support me thank you
Thank you for supporting
Especially @ecency @wayfar @holovision.list @philpotg @suep56 @steemseph
Let me show you some pictures
As you know I was unwell for a few days so the doctor suggested that I go to the park every day and take a walk in the morning which helped improve my health So I used to go there every morning for a walk and I came across gorgeous photography that I want to share with all of you
I saw something very beautiful there The trees were arranged in such a way that it looked like a circular maze conference At first I was amazed at what it was but then I started to like it You can also see that the trees have been arranged very nicely I really liked this design
If you liked it too you can let me know in the comments
Do you think these circular maze conferences look good? I think they look great no matter what
I have shown you two types of pictures one with full and healthy trees and the other with half meaning chopped trees
Which of these two types of circular conferences did you enjoy more the one with half-trees or the one with full trees?
please tell me in the comments.
Okay see you in the next post
Take care of yourself and pray for my health
Thank you for your hopes I hope you will like my efforts
Thank you for all this love