In Spring Shape

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Well, there's this aspect of my garden that would make you think all is fine and blossoming...because there are things that are growing on, blossoming, looking fresh, renewed, alive...But dandy? Are they dandy?

I don't know.

I'll try to focus on the positive stuff and share some good news, no matter what a percentage they seem to be of the large and unruly area. It's mostly too large to handle on my weekly runs much to do, so little time...

But...I'll talk about the onslaught of wild growth some other time. Let me show you the babies, old and young, the one out of two surviving strawberries, the little and huge trees that are my focus for the future, anyway, the green peas, the grape vines...

Some of those are just starting.

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This one is a pear from last year.

The arrows fly behind it and in front of the fence and trees in the background, when I use my archery range.

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Peas shall come forward from this delicate green young thingie.

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Finally, the vines are letting new leaves develop.

I was worried about the vineyard and the hanging vines. They took quite a while between me pruning them and something actually coming out of those buds. I thought they might been dry for much too long. Not yet the case.

Then I have also got some photos of wild growth taking over empty space and such...Of which photos only a couple have been prepared.

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And I am not yet showing you those nasty big thorns...

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And these delicate-looking small things...They look so beautiful now.

But I am guessing they shall become monsters if left unchecked.

And they are so many, I cannot possibly check them all.

Peace and Parsley, though! Peace and Parsley!




I have some vines in my gardening area that I can never seem to get rid of, no matter what I try. It's an ancient problem, one that I think can only be solved temporarily with fire. The weeds are always the first thing to come back, though.

It's great to see the flowers! Soon there shall be food.

Perhaps cherries first. The end of May, or rather...beginning of June. The rest then follow one by one.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 102 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

You have a good eye for photography! Really beautiful pictures. Some of those plants look so exotic to me, maybe it's because I am not familiar with them or because I have never seen them. I am very intrigued…What is Dandy to you? Lol. Regards from Argentina!

What is Dandy to you?

I was just kidding with the saying "Fine and Dandy". It means nothing specific in this case, just an empty word for fun.

Plants are generally hard to recognize in some of their stages of development, anyway. Unless one has more practice. And I am just starting.

Dandy sounded funny to me, so I assumed that, despite I had never heard the saying before, so thanks for clarifying. Sorry for killing the joke haha. Now I want to have pear, and cherry plants.
Thanks for your reply!

 3 years ago  

Those photos are so excellent from my perspective. The first time I have seen Almond and cherry flowers. Thank you!

 3 years ago  

It seems that all your crops/trees are doing great, can't help to see them bear fruits.