Taking Over Unless...

in HiveGarden4 years ago

Howdy, partner!

Welcome to my garden again. It has become quite the jungle. Albeit a moderate climate one. But what's moderate about our moderate climate, anyway?

That's not the point. Rains were heavy and often in previous weeks, true, but the grass thing is, to me, just an addition. A synergy, perhaps.

The truth is...all the grass is there because no man is there. At least most of the time. I've been writing about my long-distance gardening attempts. Manual labor and mental efforts some of the time but leaving it to Nature's will most of the time.

My quest is, actually, to make a sustainable design of things that I want there but they have to want it, too. Testing the ground, so to speak, literally and figuratively.

This year carrots and beet, potato and peas, they have been good. But...

Trees should grow unstifled, and so with vines. We got some old trees that went dry in recent years. And I don't want that to happen to those i plant now. Also...too much grass can get uncontrollable.

Not that it is controlled now. Actually,

...it is in control.

It's taking over.

And visiting from time to time, I am trying to fight back its progress. But I want a clean fight.

no poisons

no chemicals

no burning

yes scythes and hoes

yes natural competition

yes mulching...

Those are the rules I've set myself.

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So, some areas have been plowed. Much less has been planted. Let's say the competition is real where we planted so some plucking weed out from time to time was enough in order to assure there was chance for our crops to thrive.

But what really thrived were things we planted not. Things that the wind has brought upon our land, I would guess.

Poppies and dandelions of human height. Never seen them so enormous. Thistle and poppy have some medicinal value, I would guess, but I have no way of capturing that. No knowledge, nor equipment.

I could only hope I could clean some space around the fruit trees.

Another important quest would be to take out the roots of most of the stubborn thorns and weeds, though. So that we can try other cultivation techniques come next year.

Need more mulch. Producing some twigs and hey ourselves, already.

We shall see where this one goes.




Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 64 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I believe that you can do it. Nowadays most of the veggies and fruits are all full of bad stuff, it is honorable that a young man like you wants to be producing NATURAL FOOD!

Well, we got more carrots than we can handle. And that's on a 2x3 area. Out of something like 30x40, most of it wild grass and thorns.

I was thinking if there was a way to remove the weeds without chemicals, and the only way I could think of was just ripping and digging with a hoe.
I know keeping a garden free of harsh chemicals is hard, but it always leads to better healthier food!

I wish you all the best and I know that you can do it!

There are other ways. Like covering the ground with natural stuff, letting the early grass stay, sprinkling it all with boiling hot water somehow, etc.