 2 years ago  

yup. Cassava is one of my fav food in the childhood. We grew it a lot and it became our main food for a day hehe.

Same with me. I grew up in a small family, we didn’t have money, but we’re trained on how to survive hardship and difficult conditions. Now those trainings has formed my stepping stones these days. Thanks for identifying with me.

 2 years ago  

Hey! Difficulty makes extraodainary breakthrough.You have your own land, it is the unique thing, you know. In our country, it is so so difficult to have the land to cultivate because the cost for owning a land is so expensive.

Same here, I bought farm lands, nevertheless, I still lease many to enable my scale in farming.

I have so much obligation; one is to stay a watchdog on food-security in my community. Many people depends on my farming activities for their daily bread etc.