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RE: Starting a garden Post # 16

in HiveGarden3 years ago

I can totally sympathize with the Critter attacks. Bunnies don't last very long in my neighborhood because of coyotes and owls, but squirrels all my they caused a lot of damage, and so do the Chipmunks actually they dig everything up I bought a product called shake away for rodents and sprinkle that on the dirt in my flower pots on the deck and that has helped a little, especially with keeping the squirrels away. But growing anything is a constant battle

So I just realized why I wasn't seeing your posts! I must have unfollowed you years back when you quit posting and when you returned I didn't realize that I was not following you still! But I am now. How silly not to follow one of my very best long time friends on hive!


Thanks for the follow 🤣 Speaking of critters, we saw a momma bear and two cubs. Close enough the mom snorted at us to stay away and the cubs got ready to climb to safety. But mom just moved between us and the cubs then they hurried away together. btw thanks for tip on squirrels, I'm gonna see if I can find some shake-away