Excellent evening friends of #HiveGarden
Sometimes we have plants in our home without knowing how important they are; for lovers of natural medicine and who trust in the power of plants for the cure of certain diseases or to soothe ailments, in addition to replenish our energy, our brain.
I found out that its scientific name is Hydrocotyle umbellata L and it belongs to the family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), information reflected in the web address , where I could know a little more about this beautiful plant that I have in my home.

I found out that its scientific name is Hydrocotyle umbellata L and it belongs to the family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), information reflected in the web address , where I could know a little more about this beautiful plant that I have in my home.

I remember that when they gave it to me in my hands it was like two threads of the same one, immediately I sowed it is a small bunch, with the passage of the days I see that it began to detach and to grow. In the space where it grew it already became small, I moved it to a can that I had unoccupied, it recovered and it is beautiful.
So, friend of #HiveGarden, in my little garden as I call it, I sowed a few small rows of Lochita, the person who gave it to me told me that it is excellent as a natural oxygenator for the brain. Actually I had heard very little about it.Another little plant, also a few days ago I moved it to a bigger container. This one is recovering, I also show pictures of it.
This little plant is beautiful, I like its green color and the shape of its leaves, but in the information I found about it, it says that it gives flowers, but it has not yet borne them, maybe it needs some time to mature a little more. Every morning I admire its beauty, I imagine it transmitting its energy to me in the beauty it makes me look at.

Now, I am going a little bit with its name and some properties that I could read:
As I wrote before its common name is Lochita I think it is because of the roundness of its leaves, male cress is another name and also monedita; I was surprised that it is the Centella Asiatica (this is found in pharmacies as dragees to regulate certain pains in the body or other types of affections) my surprise is because of the natural wealth that I have in my home, now is to know how to use it for consumption, here the research must be more exhaustive because I consider that it is delicate its consumption. Its scientific name is Hydrocotyle umbellata L, for those who are more expert in the matter.
In natural medicine it is recommended as a brain oxygenator, healing, anti-inflammatory, revitalizes organic tissues, contributes to the production of collagen, repairs damaged skin.

It is typically used for skin ulcers, it is also said to be excellent for cellulite control as it gives firmness and elasticity to the skin.

In tea form it is recommended to combat lack of energy, fatigue and physical weakness.
It is able to enhance the memory and the ability to concentrate, it helps to calm people who require it.
For the above mentioned, it is necessary to investigate and consult with experts in natural medicine, to know as well as the positive of this plant the part that should be avoided by the consumption of other medicines at the moment you want to try it.
For the moment I am still delighted by the beauty of its leaves so perfect, waiting for the flowers and fruits that they are able to give.
So far my post with this valuable information about the famous Lochita that perhaps many people have at home and consider it as a common herb.

Author's content.
Photographs property of the author, captured with cellular equipment ZTE 2020, December, 2024 .
Web page to support the post
Translator DeepL
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Author's content.
Photographs property of the author, captured with cellular equipment ZTE 2020, December, 2024 .
Web page to support the post
Translator DeepL
Dividers Source

A few people I know have mentioned this plant to me. We call it pennywort here, but it's hard to grow in our climate because it like humidity and we're very dry here.
Yes, very true...when I neglect a day without watering it, it falls off. So far I have kept it hydrated and it is really beautiful.
Omg, nunca habría pensado que esa planta tan linda, tiene un uso, digamos, igual de importante.
Me gustan mucho sus hojas redondas... Si no estoy juzgando mal, parece ser que también puede crecer en el agua; tener un estanque con esa planta debe ser muy bonito. 💙
Gracias por compartir su importancia. 🌻✨
Es muy linda, la forma de sus hojas tan perfectas .
Igual tambièn me llevè mi sorpresa acerca de los beneficios para la salud de esta planta.
En agua la verdad no sè, sus tallos son muy muy delicados.
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @amazingdrinks!
Isn't it centella asiatica that is used for skincare nowadays?
In my research, I learned that it is also called Centella asiatica, I believe it is used for various internal ailments...and I read that the leaves can be used as a poultice on the skin to heal wounds.
It has several uses.
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