Manifestation of Nature

in HiveGarden14 hours ago


Believing that there is a hand that pulls the strings of the Universe is part of understanding a little of how nature manifests itself so that there is an approach to all that we take for granted. In this case I am referring to nature. Some live in spaces surrounded by nature, others in cities that in order to enjoy it must go to parks or places where people can be in contact with the sun, the trees, breathe fresh air... get out of the closed spaces and rest from the smoke of vehicular traffic.

I make this introduction because in my house, I do not live in a country house, it is surrounded by cement floors except for a space that I have already shared in different post delivered that I call it my little garden.


This space is where nature has manifested itself in different ways and the Creator tells me look at all that I offer you. Enjoy it, live it.

Before entering the lemon plant there grew in different opportunities milkweed plants, we saw them, we let them grow, placing their water, watching how far they could grow, because these girls at different times gave us their fruit, some more loaded than others. The last of a plant that was born, grew and remained until it gave us fruit, these fruits of milkweed I turned them into milkweed candy, for me it was the first time I made one, looking for recipes until I found a fairly simple one. It was acceptable. I complied with the processes until it was finished.


Now, a small plant of milkweed appears where we least imagined, right next to the entrance gate to my house, in a small space, that even the soil where it grows we consider that it is not the most suitable for it...a few days ago my husband cleaned the space about 15 centimeters wide of small weeds that grow there, where the rail of the gate is.

Then, I see everything very clean. I only see a small plant that I was about to pull out, at that moment I don't know why I didn't do it. I think: how strange if everything is clean because there is this little plant here, when I realize it is a small plant of milkweed.

It will stay there until it decides whether it will continue to grow to give us fruits or, because of the space, the moment will come when it will not do it anymore and will decide to die.

The message is that nature manifests itself where we least expect it, it is the decision if we let it continue with its process or not, it is a decision and the truth is that many people like me have had this type of experience in their small gardens.

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Photographs property of the author,
captured with ZTE Blade 2020 cellular equipment.
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Translator DeepL


In these small spaces, in addition to some plants of capachos, these are flowers that look like lilies, they are of cool temperatures and despite the strong weather, they have given me their splendor: yellow, pink, red and orange. Other plants I take care of in containers designed for them. Even a lemon plant was a gift from the universe, being the protagonist of my last posts in the #HiveGarden community.

My dear Mercedes a pleasure to read you, the truth is that nature makes its way, I am amazed at how she seeks to retake spaces and how she amazes us with facts like those you have shared with us, where, how and when we least expect she shows us how she gives life, now if the plant will grow more or not as you said that we will know only with the days, but it's nice to see how that little plant was born there looks the most irreverent, greetings.

 1 hour ago  

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