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RE: URBAN GARDEN - CURRY LEAF TREE - Does it have a place in Australia? - INFORMATION POST

in HiveGarden2 years ago

So many plants here are invasive! I'm not convinced on introducing pests or viruses to control them, either after past attempts at that kind of thing went a bit awry (cough cane toads). Quite a few of these types of plants are edible, so I often wonder if people should be made more aware of it and encouraged to harvest liberally. Maybe if we made them a delicacy that procured a good price they'd be harvested to near extinction here. 😆

I'm sure I could kill one of these, but then I'd have assistance with the SA climate not really being suitable for them.

In curious how you were able to obtain one, as I'm guessing you wouldn't exactly be able to buy them in a garden centre?

 2 years ago  

agggg toads.... i was surprised by one this morning... it jumped out at me... yick!!

as for the curry tree.. it was a cutting from and Indian friend... same as the turmeric :-)

they grow pretty easily it seems...

 2 years ago  

So @minismallholding, i did some digging and it appears you can indeed buy them here in online nurseries, however they are so easy to grow i would only take cuttings i think...

They are so tasty... i'm planning on making my fish curry tomorrow... curry leaves, mustard, chili, tomato, onion and some fish.. yummy although this would be quite nice as vegetarian with just zuchini and eggplant chunks perhaps..