I'm not sure how successful my composting is (soggy seems to be the best description) but I dig it in after a while anyway and let nature figure out what to do with it. She'll get it all broken down eventually. My chickens and rabbits sort out most of the the organic waste, so only toxic plants or mouldy (which is rare) stuff goes in the compost bin. Then tougher trimmings get chopped as mulch on the front garden, where it slowly disappears over time. I actually don't have much I could give the worms after this.
I hope you can figure something out for your worms so you can get them again. I'm sure there are ideas out there for insulating them. Worm farm jackets, maybe. 🤔
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLll worm farm jackets is actually what i was thinking of - sorta!!
you know - my hubby is a chef! and when he used to go pick up massive orders from the restaurant stores - it was too much to put into a cooler - so he had this HUGE cooler blanket that he would just lay over the top of the frozen itesm
I was thinking of that!! but!!! they need air and i thikn that would suffocate them
geez - my little Verns are high maintenance sometimes hahahaha
(they are all named Vern) LOL