Now I'm feeling guilty with you calling me co-leader when I feel like I'm such a slacker. Guilt tripping me into upping my game. 😅
I'm pretty sure we have some other lovely curators who trawl through the garden posts too. I often get beaten to nominations. 😁
Stop being modest. Xx stupid labels conspiring supportive Aussie dwelling garden loving friend took too long to say x
You do more than you realise and just enough for me to stay sane x
I don't know if I can help your isolation sanity, though. Hope you're feeling a little better and can get out into the garden again. Let's be honest, that's where true sanity saving lies.
Your game is spot on and I think @riverflows would agree.
Flattery will get you nowhereyou can keep up the flattery 😁ahahah xx
Absolutely she does!!! xxx