You have so much going on! I don't know where to start. I've been trying to get a lemon tree growing in my garden for ages, but just an to kill them off.
I do believe your tamarillo will make it, though. I was amazed at what ours managed to survive. It was in a pot to start with, then seemed to be dying, so I blamed my incompetence at growing in pots, but when I went to transplant it I discovered hoards of curl grubs eating the roots. Once in the ground it recovered, though.
Lemon trees in our area (and in many other places I guess) suffer from Phoma tracheiphila fungus that kills the branches or even the whole tree easily, don't feel alone in this :)
I hope this one will grow healthy, as well as the next one you will plant! I love having lemons in the garden, I love them in general :)Oh yes dear @minismallholding, this is a very busy period!
What a story this one with the tamarillo! Gardening is full of surprises. Absolutely wonderful that you saved it and it does well!
Thank you for the very beautiful input!
Gosh, that sounds extreme! I haven't heard of a citrus tree infection like that here. We occasionally get gall wasps I think it is, which make a lump in the twigs. Then surface pests like scale and leaf miner.
Sadly I think my lemon tree failures are just my incompetence. I've yet to get a sapling established. The only reason I have an orange tree is because it was already here when we bought the house.
Maybe it is not the right place for a lemon tree. I have seen healthy plants in a garden and then big problems with the same plants in the garden next to it. Could be the sunlight/shadow, the soil or a billion reasons that are different within a small distance and we can't even imagine.
We try and they decide if they will stay, haha!I don't believe that AT ALL dear @minismallholding :)
Really sorry for the delayed reply. Gardening sometimes comes with back pain and that was definitely my case these days. All good now, back to the garden already :)
Oh gosh, back pain is always worrisome. You nerve know if it's just muscles or something more chronic. Hope you stay good.
I do think that the soil on the front where I want one is likely not to their taste, but the front is also much more exposed to both the sun and winds.
Thank you so much!!!
Possibly. Well, I love experimenting, so I think I would try to grow one from the seed of a bitter orange tree that is the strongest of the citrus family, directly to the soil, and then graft it. Long term plan :) Or just try something easier, haha! Experimenting is good, but sometimes easy and relaxed choices are better! Good luck with whatever you do! Anyway, surprises never stop when it comes to gardening :)