I don't do garden updates many times. The reason is simple; I don't have a garden where I live most of the year. However, summers are spent in an old house where the garden is the heart of this home. It is a space where vegetables, fruits and flowers grow and live together. I can show you how they are doing this year.
My in-laws take care of it. There is a lot of work around a garden... in spring you have to prepare the ground and sow the seeds of the vegetables you want to harvest later: carrots, onion, tomatoes (sometimes they buy young seedlings of tomatoes but also sow from seeds), cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes etc.
The fruits grow on trees that have already lived in the garden for many years. Still, they have to trim the branches, protect the trees during the winter, pick the fruits when they ripen and collect the dry leaves once autumn arrives. It is not easy work to be a gardener, but it is entertaining.
The flowers also need some maintenance, and also watering (the same as the veggies and fruits need to be regularly watered). This year is dry so many flowers are struggling with the heat and the lack of water - the vegetables have the priority when there is a water shortage.
Priorities... ok, vegetables are the ones that will come first in this little garden tour.
We will start with the tomatoes. Believe me, there are no better tomatoes than the ones that are grown in one's own garden. There are different types of them but I love all of them.

The pumpkin was not planted by anyone this year, it just decided to grow by itself. 🤷♀

The onion was already taken out from the ground last week. They say it is best to do it at the beginning of August.

There are two fig trees growing here and bearing fruits. In the smaller tree, the figs are still green. From the other, bigger tree I picked some very ripened fruits already. The bad thing is that there are a lot of mosquitoes... I got pretty much bites while the photos for this post were taken.

There is a pear tree in the back garden...uh, more mosquitoes hahaha and the pears aren't even ripe yet. I was a bit angry at myself why I didn't wear trousers and a long-sleeved shirt when I went into this "look around the garden" adventure.

Plums. A fruit that is very popular here and usually matures at the end of August... this year it was early so I got just a few to taste. Here, one plum, a lonely creature on this tree, posing for the photo.

The Roof Cat comes to our side of the roof every time we are in the garden. He gets some food there, on the roof but rarely comes down because there is another grey cat that is visiting us every summer and they don't get along well.

The grapes are almost ready to be picked. They arrived earlier than usual because it was so warm all year round.

Those flowers (I don't know the exact name of them) that have more shade during the day are doing well. However, many of them are exposed to the sun most of the day; Those are struggling a bit.

The roses are old ladies here. Planted many years ago they still bring beautiful flowers which have a real, intense scent. They are lovely!

In the title of my post, I mentioned an intruder in this garden tour... I hope you know who I was referring to. 😁
Call the police!! Someone is stealing your in-law's fruits
They are coming 😱
Is the intruder the pumpkin? As no one planted it, it got in on its own haha 😂
The mosquitoes are at full strength, go to sleep or I don't know, they will want so much blood hahaha 😂 STOP PLEASE!! hahaha
Beautiful garden ❤️
Hahaha, there are many intruders here, the pumpkin also hahaha 😂
I will run away from the mosquitoes soon
I so agree! And with love and dedication poured into it while growing them, they will bear a super duper delicious tomatoes. Have you tried to dip homegrown tomatoes n a salt? Or paired it with grilled or fried fish? Ah, I tell yah, it is so good I can eat it everyday 🤤☺️☺️🤩.
Anyways your garden sure looks rich in vegetables and fruits, then a bonus of beautiful flowers. Waking up everyday with this kind of view, you can start the day in peace with that ✨✨😊
I like to mix tomatoes with many dishes, soo yummy always.
The flowers are a refreshing touch to the garden, it changes a bit the scenery ;)
Yup! I spotted the intruder 😂
You have a lovely garden, and the fruits and vegetables look very delicious.
Are onions normally harvested and left on the ground for a week before taking them in?
The onions are harvested and then left for some time, just like that, on the ground - I don't know the reason though but it is always like this :D
Kitty intruder 😁
Wow! I wonder why
Haha we don't like cats in our garden because of the native animals but I know that in other countries they are great for mice. What a great garden. Do you get any harvest when you visit?
These are the neighbours' cats. They always come when they hear some movement in the garden and truth be said, we give them food so it is pretty normal for they to come again and ask for more 😂
Yes, we consumed tomatoes and figs, unfortunately, the majority of plums were gone until we arrived.
Que maravilla poder cultivar lo que comemos. Es tarea difícil, pero gratificante. Ay esas uvas 😋 Y las flores 💚 Cuidado...te vigilan desde el tejado 🤭. Un abrazo y linda semana.
jajaja, esto parece 😜
Gracias y que también tengas una semana buena 😇
The tomatoes and pumpkins are especially impressive. I totally agree homegrown tomatoes are the best!
My favourites are the tomatoes, but when I buy in the supermarket it is not to be compared to these, grown in the garden
But... intruder? It's a kitten! And it's beautiful!!!
I love the garden, it seemed to me that he was walking in my garden in the distance among the grapes, tomatoes and figs. The flowers so beautiful and colourful.... the smell of tomatoes ... god! What a delight!
oh, it could be that the kitten is the intruder, or me, or the pumpkin as Buhito said :D
🤣 But if you are not there... there are no photos and the pumpkin is a fruit.... belongs to the vegetable kingdom... it is the cat!🤣
I am here now (just until tomorrow) so I can be easily the intruder 😂
On second thought .... you don't live there... you're the intruder... poor kitty misjudged it.😌
I wish I had a garden like this, so gorgeous! Love how many different things grow there and the lovely visits you get. I hope everything grows bigger and prettier 💕
A well organized garden and a lot of work around it can bring marvelous effects - fruits 😀
I look at your wonderful post and find the similarity between your garden and mine 🙂
The only thing is that you added a feminine note, by inserting flowers at the end 😁
Since you have a pumpkin in your garden, have you considered joining the #hwc2024 Pumpkin contest?
Similarity - you also have a neighbour's roof cat? 😂
Pumpkin contest - I am leaving in less than two days, so no more time for that 😉
My neighbor's cat didn't climb on the roof (yet, I think it's a matter of time) but it was hunting mice in my yard 🙂
That's already a useful cat 😁
{I was joking about the cat that it's the biggest similarity, I knew what you were referring to 😉}
Es maravilloso cultivar nuestros propios alimentos!!
Lo mejor!
Home growing produce is mentally rewarding .... so good for the soul. However I am glad I do not have to grow for survival..I think I would not have a long life and while alive I would cast a very thin shadow
Hey there, @themagus
Good to see you again, I hope you are doing well 😇
off-topic - mamma mia, guess in which country I will stay tomorrow?
Arghhh, my friend... I am soooo useless at blogging now...
You went to Italy?????
Not a better blogger on this side either lol
Yeah, we went to Italy as well. That was summer hahaha, many things happened since then. Well, well, let's see if we can get back to Hive waters somehow again :D
You and your good lady are ok?
We are all good thanks ..... finally shaved my snow white beard and 'monsieur Perot' moustache off on 01 November .... she hated it but was her punishment for making me leave Europe {smile}
I am now making a small commitment to myself to do at least three blogs a week and to check on your profile every day ..... that way I can at least get crumbs of curation reward.
Have a splendid weekend.
I would have to come back in a more regular way to be interesting for you to check my blog every day 😂 but hey, your determination of three blogs a week - you can do it! Now without the beard and moustache, you can feel lighter and ready to dance along with the music :)
i am very corious about pigs. how to plant it well?
Many many years ago there was one fig tree in the garden, then from it my parents-in-law took a cutting and planted it in other spots too. The oldest one is gone, one winter was so cold that the frost killed it (it can be very cold sometimes, like -20 or -30 degrees Celsius), even though they were wrapping the trunk of the tree
Kudos to your in laws for taking care of the garden
The tomatoes look very fresh and those flowers too
Nice one!
@mipiano Beautiful garden and very productive.
Thank you 🍀
My morning is off to a great start. When I opened HIVE.BLOG, this is what greeted me right away. ^_^
Good morning then ^_^