 2 years ago  

I was thinking of you while writing the post. Last year we had a chat about the currants, remember?

Yeas, stains. I had some clothes hung nearby and they all have black dots on them ☹️, like polka dot pattern. I'm not impressed at all, but lesson learnt.

And yes, I remember how dirty we were back in the day 😂

Last year we had a chat about the currants, remember?

I do 😊

like polka dot pattern

Hahaha, sorry, I know it is not fun, but it reminded me about... Ha pöttyös akkor Túró Rudi


 2 years ago  

Túróóó Rudiiii 😍😍😍 Csak nem elég, hogy qrva drága, még hízlal is ☹️.
Nálatok van?

Nincs. Szerencsére 😁. Mert hizlal 😂

 2 years ago  

Nálunk van magyar is, meg Lidl-es, román. Mindkettő finom, de mingkettő híízlal ☹️☹️☹️ Not fair!!!
