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RE: Starting the germination process on my pine seeds

in HiveGarden6 months ago

Good luck, that is all I can say about it. I tried to grow Bismark Palms from seeds I did everything I was told and I do not have any Bismark Palms.

Now I order the small plants when I want something. I have 4 Barbados cherry trees that I got in August they have grown about 3 inches since then. I now have 5 Ackee trees I got from someone, they haven't grown any but are not dead so that is a plus. I have only had them for a couple of weeks.


Damn, I have no experience with Palms.. Those trees do not usually do well as far north as I am. Hoping your cherry trees do well though, we got a couple of those... different cultivars though. We have Black Tartarian, Minnie Royal and Stella.

Cherry trees like yours are like palms are for you, they do not do well this far south. I love the cherry trees that grow up north, I am not sure what kind it was but there was one in Springfield Missouri that had the type that you buy in the grocery stores, I would eat my fill of them. My trees are Barbados cherries, I am not sure what they taste like but hoping they are as good as the store bought ones. The only thing about them is they say aphids love the trees so I know I will have a battle on my hands but I am determined to grow them. Here in Fl, I grew up eating Surinam cherries most people do not like them because they say they are tart, but if you eat the ones that when you touch them they fall off in your hand, they are sweeter.

Today my husband found a fruit on the dock at a boat ramp, he said there was a tree that he did not recognize over it, I took a pic of it and did Google Lens, and it said it was a pond apple, I am going to try to grow some from the seeds. Reading about them it says you can do cutting so I will get some from it and try to grow them that way, too. They are native to Fl but are from south of me.