the beauty of flowers in the rain

in HiveGarden3 years ago (edited)

The rain soaked all the plants in my yard, including the ornamental plants and flowers that I planted in the rain too, after the rain stopped I headed out of the house to see the ornamental plants and flowers, I looked to make sure there were no flowers and plants. fallen ornament.

Rain will have a good impact on ornamental plants or flowers, rain can make flowers grow and bloom because water needs are fulfilled, rain and wind can also help pollinate flowers naturally.

After I made sure that there were no ornamental plants or fallen flowers, I took my cell phone to capture the flowers at night, even though the plants were still wet with rain, I was determined to take pictures of the flowers.

It's true that the appearance of flowers when we take photos at night is very much different from the daytime, I also feel that the beauty of flowers at night is very different from the daytime, what about hiveblog friends' opinions? Of course it depends on our individual tastes.











thank you very much for friends who have been willing to stop by my post, I hope friends like it, suggestions and input from friends on my post of course very useful for me, with suggestions and input I can correct my post so that in the future it will be better again.

By @nadeo