I am writing to ask you to support me and my cause, it is a project that is a dream for me, A small donation to finish my small Indoor, help me to achieve a task, reach a goal, Your donation will go towards a good experience and you will help me to fulfill my dream When possible, give me a hand I spent all my savings and I still need more today it can be me but tomorrow friends it can be anyone I have to get to $900 to finish my dream please, thank you very much for your attention, (You also help me by sharing it with your friends). From the heart
I will fulfill my dream at last
Please don't make fun of me if you want to support me just ignore the post
I really liked your project, my friend. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you get a lot of support. Excellent friend.
Thank you very much my friend, I hope you support me 🥲.