 last month  

Ha classic. Last time I went to Snowden we walked up it and I got tired and stopped just before top. Jamie was incredulous - he felt we should keep going for the views. What goes, says I? We were literally in a cloud 😂

Have you seen the movie The End We Start From? Fairly recent. Whole of England floods. Absolutely apocalyptic. Everyone heading to villages on higher ground but you're only allowed there if you or your parents live there. Even that not a guarantee. It's quite good..

Best check the local ordinance survey maps. Also, do you have a canoe and some tea and biscuits in a dry sack?

We have two kayaks and a load of dry bags, so will get them ready for the apocalypse! We recently took the train to Snowdons summit, lazy I know but the views were superb. I really must upload the video to my channel on YouTube sometime.

Not sure I want to watch The End where we start from lol, sounds more documentary to me!

 last month  

Hahaha yes maybe too close to home!

I would have preferred the train!