Gardening Season 2023 - End of August update

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Hello garden lovers! Yesterday I took a few random photos while I was in the garden and decided to share them with you all. I am not sure if I'll make another garden update this month but I'll definitely try to share one more garden related post before I go to Greece for two weeks...


Garden overview - August 24th, 2023


I haven't been sharing many photos of our fig trees this season but they were thriving! We still have a lot of fruits and more to come... When we have someone visiting, we often pack some produce we have at the moment because sharing is always better than letting it go to waste. Few days ago my friend was visiting so I picked some figs for her mom as she really likes them.


My dad made this "bed" for drying fruits that protects it from insects and it's easy to use. Once the fruit is dried, it's stored in the freezer for winter. I am not a fan of dried fruits, the only ones I love are apricots but my parents like all kinds of dried fruits and again, it's a nice way to preserve the abundance of fruits we have rather then letting it go to waste.


It's been a while since I shared a photo of our grapes - the last time I shared one they were all still green. Now the color is changing to purple as grapes are getting ripe. There is a decent amount and we also have another area with grapes, both purple and while. Grapes are super healthy and it's always such a great feeling to grow your own food without any pesticides so you can get the most benefits out of them.


As I was checking out different kinds of peppers we have, I noticed one that was changing colors and I thought it would make a cool photo to share, haha! A lot of times things like this can go unnoticed and it feels like changes happen overnight but this is my reminder to pay closer attention to all the details and changes in our garden especially now as the gardening season is coming to an end...


Here we have some bell peppers that need a lot of watering these weeks as it has been super hot! In return they give us produce for our daily salads, cooking and we saved some for the freezer - it always comes in handy to have some frozen veggies during those months when we are out of gardening season.


Here we have some beans that we tried planting many times but, for some reason, they just cannot give us enough produce. All we can get is a few freezer bags to store for winter. We usually plant these type of beans where we have a little bit of empty space just to use up every area of our garden. Even if we planted more, I'm not sure if it would pay off because it would take up space and the harvest would probably still be small compared to the space taken.


Just looking at all this cabbage makes the garden a lot more alive now that some areas have been taken over by weeds and it doesn't look that pretty, to be honest. But this, these big cabbage leaves that are thriving look so good to me, haha! It's almost like they are screaming "Hey, gardening season is not over yet!"

Thank you for stopping by and checking out this post! I hope you are still enjoying your gardening season and you're having a great day so far! :)



Still envious of your grapes! That's a cool drying area your dad made.

 2 years ago  

Thank you! :)

 2 years ago  

Lovely crops as always 💑

 2 years ago  

Thank you! :)

 2 years ago  

You're welcome (^_^)

You have a wonderful rich garden. Have a good harvest.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much! :)