Today we had a few tasks on our gardening to do list and with three of us - my parents and myself on board, it didn't take long to complete everything that was planned. Since gardening season is just beginning, there's not much going on but I still feel like I need to do a proper update soon and take photos of everything. So far we just have some spring onions, spinach and salad and I cannot wait to start harvesting those.
Here is a photo of (yellow) onions planted. We do the same thing every year - use a thick thread attached to wooden sticks so that the perfect line is created and to avoid crooked lines, then we use a narrow garden hoe to make rows and then the planting can start. After that we use rakes to cover the rows with the remaining soil and that's pretty much it.
We usually plant yellow onions the most, then we do a few rows of purple onions and maybe three rows of garlic. I'm not sure why I didn't take a photo of garlic too but we did plant it after purple onions and then it was time to take a break - my parents had coffee and I had breakfast. For some reason I didn't have much appetite this morning but after gardening work it definitely came back!
Once our short break was over we came back for one last task of the day and that is to plant peas. This year we got a bag of seeds we haven't used before and it looks a little bit different from the previous ones we used, it's more red? When it comes to planting, the process is pretty much the same as onions and garlic expect there is no pushing the seeds into the ground. We are expecting a little bit of rain this night and tomorrow which was the main reason we wanted to get this done today. Other than a couple of small gardening tasks, next big task is going to be planting potatoes! I hope I'll be able to document that process and help out with planting, it's quite challenging to combine work and gardening, a lot of times my parents finish everything by the time I come home from work but due to minor health issues I have been dealing with lately, I might work less these couple of weeks and do more gardening.
Yay! She's back with the garden progress! I missed it a lot! I'm curious what comes up from red peas....
Hey, it's good to be back!
This seed looks a little bit different but it should give us regular snap peas.
It looks like a busy Monday, indeed. I am also planning to plant soon!
We got it all done before a rainy Tuesday. Happy planting!:)