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RE: Big House, Tiny Garden April Update

in HiveGarden11 months ago

lol. Oh I'll get things done alright.

You have a dome? I dearly wish for a greenhouse, and my daughter knows how to design and build them, but I have no good place for one in this tiny yard. I'm glad you do though, sounds like you will need those enclosures. I wonder if they reduce the toxins from chemtrails. Do you get poisoned from above often? We do.


It's chemtrail central here but nobody seems to notice. When I point it out to people they look at me as if I'm one of those conspiracy theory types.

 11 months ago  

I know. Me too. They say "those are just jet streams." I say, "did you see the sky yesterday? Pure blue, all day, no jet streams in sight. Did the jets not fly at all yesterday?" Now and then someone starts to think about this.