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RE: July in a Big House with Tiny Garden

in HiveGarden8 months ago

I'll bet you do! How has your peas harvest been? I only planted a short row of snow peas, which made so many peas I got sick of them. Next year, I hope to get busier with peas, the shelling kind, which I adore. Do you do anything besides freeze them? Dehydrate maybe?

I've also got three bags of potatoes going, three varieties. I haven't eaten many potatoes in my life, because store bought tastes so awful. But after growing some and seeing the difference there, I've tripled them. I think of you every time I look at my potatoes, and imagine your eating them dripping with good butter.

You've probably got enough food for years. If the apocalypse happens this year, I'll be good for one year only.

Hey if you make a garden journal post for this month, there's a prepper's prize. There's a few days left.


No, I do nothing but freeze them. I tried to get an interest in canning but it looks far too complicated for my meagre abilities. I have loads of potatoes planted but there have been so many blight warnings it'll be interesting to see how they do. The weather here has been horrendous and peas need sunshine. I count myself lucky to have the dome and greenhouse for cucumbers, melons and greens. I've even tried a few potatoes inside.
I'll do a post tomorrow if it's not lashing rain. I've been meaning to do one for weeks but I've been so bloody busy, doing what I'm not sure.