 3 years ago  

They vary. None are rooster level noisy, but some are louder than others and I've heard some people will still get complaints from neighbours about them, especially if they crow through the night. Most won't crow at night, but some do; usually the loudest ones too... I tend to cull the louder ones for food and keep the quieter ones. They only crow in mating season, so you won't hear them in winter or for most of autumn.

 3 years ago  

Oh you are talking me right into these creatures! Don't need an unsightly coop (my yard is TINY). I could just put a nice sized cage along my back fence. Eggs, meat, fertilizer. I need these. If you have any other info, or a know a good source I can consult, please let me know. Would they like cohabitating with a small holly? I have many questions.

 3 years ago  

I don't think they'd mind it. They may eat the lower leaves a bit, but they won't strip bushes like chickens. I gather the berries are toxic to us, but there doesn't seem to be anything to say they are for quail. I even found this which says holly is safe for them:

If you're ever unsure of anything, just do a search on it. What you might encounter in your garden may be different to mine, but someone else will be guaranteed to have an answer somewhere.