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RE: Finally, I Get to Eat My Own Avocados, From My Avocado Tree.

in HiveGarden10 months ago

wow they look amazing!!
i read that getting avocados to fruit takes years and unless you graft from an existing avocado tree there is a good chance your fruits will turn out unpleasant. did you plant the tree yourself? has it been grafted or is it in its original form?



We planted this tree 5 years ago and it is original form.
They are really yummy and creamy.

wow, congratulations on this sustainable success! great food for years to come!
so you (trans)planted the tree or did you plant a seed of an avocado.

inspires me to do this myself as soon as i find a garden

We planted a very small tree. But now I am also going to keep the seeds from it so that I can plant more avocado trees when we purchase a farm.

sounds great!!! best of luck and happy growing