Fin Farming, Story Day 1 #FigFarm
Plants are classified as arid areas, along with technological advances, there are many varieties of figs that can grow in barren areas such as Indonesia.
As we know that figs are called in all our religions sacred to humans as a fruit that is rich in benefits.
Most figs are found in the Middle East, where there are many people who work as fig farmers. As we know that the most tin farmers in Turkey. Turkey is the largest supplier of fresh and dried figs worldwide.
To the extent that fig seeds are made into oil in Turkey.
Entering Fin To Indonesia
Entering tin to Indonesia has been predicted since 1990 with many variants, although it is not known exactly what year the green jordan tin variant first entered Indonesia, but this variant is the most commonly encountered among the population Indonesia.
Figs will bear fruit in only 4-8 months without the need for breeding. This fin is suitable as a hobby or commercial.
In practice, fig production is intensively cultivated in greenhouses, as we have seen in Malaysian and Japanese plantations.
With greenhouse production, it is able to produce 15-18 kg of figs per day from 200 plants. The most suitable variant for greenhouses is the MD or super jumbo variant (SUJU).
Interested in being a Fin farmer or just a hobby?
---Bahasa --
Bertani Tin
Tanaman tin tergolong tanaman daerah tandus, seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi sudah banyak varian tin yang bisa tumbuh di area yang tindak tandus seperti Indonesia.
Seperti kita ketahui bahwa buah tin disebut dalam semua agama kita suci manusia sebagai buah yang kaya akan manfaat.
Buah tin paling banyak di temukan di syam timur tengah, di sana ada banyak penduduk berprofesi sebagai petani tin. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa petani tin paling banyak di Turki. Turki merupakan penyuplai buah tin segar dan kering terbanyak untuk seluruh dunia.
Sampai-sampai biji tin dibuat jadi minyak di Turki.
Masuk Tin Ke Indonesia
Masuk tin ke Indonesia di prediksi semenjak tahun 1990 dengan banyak varian, walaupun tidak di ketahui tahun berapa pastinya tin varian green yordan pertama kali masuk Indonesia, namun varian tersebutlah paling banyak di jumpai di kalangan penduduk Indonesia.
Buah tin akan berbuah hanya butuh waktu 4-8 bulan tanpa butuh persangan. Tin ini cocok di jadikan sebagai hobi ataupun komersil.
Pada kebiasaanya produksi buah tin tin dibudidayakan secara intensif di dalam greenhouse seperti kita jumpai di perkebunan Malaysia dan Jepang.
Dengan produksi greenhouse mampu menghasilkan buah 15-18 Kg tin perhari dari 200 tanaman. Varian paling cocok untuk greenhouse yaitu Varian MD atau super jumbo (SUJU).
Tertarik jadi petani tin atau hanya sebagai hobi ?
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