Gardening progress

in HiveGarden9 months ago

Our garden is starting to come together again. We had a lot of rain, but there was one day when it was hot and sunny, so I managed to plant some potatoes, lettuce and beans. I didn't plan to plant any potatoes, but our neighbour had some left and gave them to us. There is nothing better for barbeque than fresh potatoes from your own garden.

This is the beauty of the allotment garden. There are many people with the same passion helping each other. Last year, we got some cucumber and beetroot seedlings, corn, lettuce, fennel, and beans. Let's see what we'll get this year 😊 However, you should not think that we're only getting stuff. We had plenty of tomato and pepper seedlings that we gifted to our neighbours as well as lots of rhubarb and zucchini.

Yesterday, I cleaned the greenhouse because I will plant the tomato seedlings tomorrow, so I removed all the leeks from last year. We'll have some leek soup and stir fries in the coming days.


I planted two types of beans for now and put them in 3 rows (1.5 row each). We won't wait until they mature, but will harvest young and tender pods. In a couple of weeks, I will plant another kind of beans and maybe a couple of rows of these ones again, so that we will have them for longer.


We love dill and I would normally plant it only on the balcony, but it never survives the winter in the container. This year, I'm trying it in the garden and I hope that it will survive the winter like this. Slugs love it, so I plant it inside of the ring. So far, so good, and I can't wait to see how big it will grow this year. Gardening is a waiting game and requires a lot of patience that I normally lack, so it's a great school for me 😊


We have lots of lettuce in the raised bed, but we eat it every day for lunch, so our tactic changed to 'the more, the better', and I planted 10 plants directly in the ground too. I put them in the rings as well as slugs can eat such small plants in one night.


Our peas looks great after those rainy days. It just doesn't listen to me and climbs in all directions. I keep trying moving the vines towards the support, but they just do whatever they want.


And they started flowering already!

This year I noticed that slugs are not so excited about peas, so next year I will plant much more around the garden, and maybe it will deter them and we'll have less slugs overall.

I talk about slugs a lot, but they are a huge problem here. People kill them with pallets, but we collect them every day and bring them to the forest. It's a full time job!


The mint is happy too!


The tangerine sage changed the colour from green to purple which surprised me. Last year, it didn't behave like that and I wonder if it's because of the low temperatures or lots of rain. So far, it doesn't look like the plant is suffering, and I will keep observing it to act if necessary.


We have an old sage bush that starts flowering now. Those flowers are beautiful and I can't wait to show them to you once they open. The bees love them!


Yesterday, we noticed teeny tiny grapes - they are so cute!


Elderflowers are about to bloom too. I may have to gift the flowers as we still have it preserved from last year. I've read that you can also coat them in some batter and fry them, so we might try this too.


I usually don't collect any flowers, but I needed some to show you my ceramic vase 😊


It took me some time to create a tiny bouquet, but this is what I took home in the end and it's also what you saw in my pottery post.


The allium plant opened up completely and I'm in love. I have noticed some of them are growing in different parts of the garden and I couldn't be happier.


The roses are opening up too. When you get roses from a shop they have no scent. These ones smell so beautiful. Every time I walk by them I smell them - smell the flowers they say, so I do.


Another one opening up...


Those peonies take years to open (it's weeks, but it feels like years)...


I'm surprised to see an iris that will open up. The slugs absolutely love them, and they ate most of them already, so this was a nice surprise.


These look beautiful, but they are very invasive. As soon as they wilt I need to remove them as the flowers will change to pods with seeds that will spread quickly and take over the garden in no time.


Hydrangeas are getting tiny flowers too. I love watching them grow.


When we were working in the garden yesterday, we found this stone. We were making jokes that we need to start digging deeper to get rich 😊


Tonight, we will start building another green house, and I will also plant kohlrabi, cauliflower, Swiss chard and eggplants if I have enough time. I will try to document the process to share with you too.

Happy gardening and see you next time!


Jaj, nestíhám! Ještě jsem ti ani nestihl okomentovat ten Wawel (za pár týdnů zas pojedu do Krakowa, už se nemůžu dočkat), který máš nafocený fakt úžasně a už tu máme další zahradnický report :) No krásně vám to tam všechno roste, kvete a sílí! A diamanty v zemi jako bonus! :D To se někdo má :D

@tipu curate 3

Nie len Wawel, ale aj článok o mojej keramike 😉 Veď to je pochopiteľné, keďže máš iné starosti 😊 Oh, aj ja by som tak rada šla do Krakowa, no deje sa teraz v našich životoch toľko veľa, že sa dlhšiu dobu nikam nedostanem.

Rastie, rastie a my sa tešíme 😊 Diamanty to zatiaľ nie sú, ale kto vie, keď budeme hlbšie kopať 😂

Taky se tam těším, beru tam na pár dní mamku, budu jí dělat průvodce, dal jsem jí to k narozeninám. A nakonec se k nám přidá i segra, tak budeme tři. Podařilo se mi buknout Airbnb byt ve stejném domě, kde jsme za covidu bydleli s manželkou, přímo v srdci Kazimierzu, na Placu Nowem :)

Tak doufám, že se vám dějí věci hlavně pozitivní! Předpokládám, že tam bude i to stěhování, tak snad všechno klapne. Jste pořád mladí, tak cestování chvilku počká ;) U nás to teď bude taky tak :D

Super darček, určite si to tam spolu užijete 😊

Dom sme už vybrali, teraz riešime kúpu a rekonštrukciu. Je tam dosť roboty, ale je tam obrovská záhrada a 2 garáže, takže ideál. A ešte je to aj v meste kde žijeme, takže si nemusíme zvykať na dedinu, čo by vo Švajčiarsku nemuselo byť jednoduché. A ja ešte riešim zmenu kariéry, a to mi zaberá asi najviac času 😊

Wow! To je teda novinek! Ani nevím, k čemu gratulovat dřív :) A změna práce? To jsem ani nevěděl, že se chystá. Asi ti napíšu na FB ;)

that is a pretty amazing garden. I wish I had this diversity and space to plant. Unfortunately, I am constrained to my balcony. Still missing the flowers to attract bees but I am getting there.
Beautiful garden! Love it!

You can also self-pollinate many plants if you're not getting the bees. For example for peppers it is enough to shake them a bit and you should be fine. We also only had a balcony, and last year we got lucky with the allotment garden. It's a lot of work, but we are really happy with it 😊

Thank you for your support and I wish you a lot of luck with your plants this year 😊

Yes I selfpollinated my chillis with a paintbrush „flying“ from one flower to the other. How does one get an allotment garden?

There is an allotment garden space (community garden) in our city with 100 gardens (anywhere between 150 and 300 sqm each). Everyone who lives in the city can become part of it. However, the waiting lists are long as people who get the garden can have it for as long as they pay a small amount each and follow to rules. When you move out of the city you need to return the garden. This is how we got it last year (somebody moved out). You can check if something like that exists where you live and see if they have a free spot for you 😊 I think you can find this kind of information on your city website..

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