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RE: The First of the Figgies {Garden Journal August 2022}

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Back to say you were actually just about bang on with your guess on my seflie tries! Somehow I managed to get the butternut to balance on the third attempt. I'll take it as a sign I was as one with my squash, haha. Thanks for guessing, as well, @riverflows and @thebigsweed. I think the one that gave me the most trouble over the months was actually my sage eyebrows. I couldn't tell you how many outtakes I had getting sage leaves to stick to my face on their own. 😂😂

 3 years ago  

Oh thank you, I didn't expect to win but I love guessing! I thought that an average person would need at least 10 tries but you are too flexible to be called average :)

Haha, thanks for the compliment. I think the squash was just particularly accommodating.