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RE: Garden Journal Newsletter: Comment Edition [You Can Win Hive for Joining In!]

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Good choice! Is there a particular variety of tomato that is your favorite or you love all tomatoes? My favorites are these yellow grape tomatoes I discovered in my compost bin and Sun Gold.

 3 years ago  

My favorites are these yellow grape tomatoes I discovered in my compost bin

Yeah!! I always lose the labels anyway so always write 'big fat tomatoes' on seed packets or 'pear shaped yellow which grew by artichokes 2021' or something 😂

 3 years ago  

I love all tomatoes (^_^)

 3 years ago  

Hahaha! I will admit there are some that I don't particularly like very much. There was one variety I grew that resembled a small, fuzzy, yellow peach and I thought that was so cool! The flavor was not that great though...

Amish Paste is my favorite tomato. I always have good luck with them, they're bigger than Roma paste tomatoes, and they're good for sauce or for canning.

 3 years ago  

Oh! Amish paste! I remember growing that variety in the gardens at work! The sun golds I'm growing are from my old job as well