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in HiveGarden2 years ago

Taking a peak in, I can't help but notice and participate in this challenge! Many an odd occurrence have happened in my garden, both indoors and outdoors!
The earliest one I can remember is when I filled the entire space with pinto beans but, come harvest, all the beans were small, spherical, and pure white. I still actively grow these! One time one of these started behaving like a scarlet runner bean complete with multitudes of trees flowers but they were too late and fruit did not set. I have not been able to recreate this...
Much more recently, perhaps manifested by my gnome-mania, I dreamt I saw an ecstatic gnome waving at me from the garden. One night around midnight, I sat out in the garden to wait for a friend who would pick me up. I think I heard some low pitched voices and a "great big" little bellow coming from the raspberries.
I also do have an unusual habit when I'm gardening. So without further ado, welcome to...

Naked Gardening

with proto26

Sometimes I say that in my head, haha!

Naked gardening is a great way to really vibe with your plants.

Just kidding. I don't know what that kind of show would be about 😅
You probably have a million questions now!
No, I don't do that outside!
It's more an issue of my short attention span when going to and from my bedroom and the bathroom (2 of the greenest realms in the kingdom, and they border each other).

Soon I hope to compile everything that has happened since late summer into one big update post! I'm dying to share my exploits with the #1 blockchain garden community!


That's a rather amazing experience with the pinto/white beans! So interesting! On the subject of naked gardening, I do that (and everything else too)! I live naked and barefooted in a 16-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community way out in the jungles of Lower Puna, in far East Big Island, Hawai'i, and I very rarely wear any clothes at all. I need direct connection with Earth and Nature for my own wellbeing and happiness, and to live in a place where my whole being is honored. I've basically lived, and gardened naked, my entire time living on the Big Island (all of it in the wilds of Lower Puna) for the past four years, seven months, and thirteen days, and I am so incredibly grateful to be able to live in this way! 😁🙏💚✨

 2 years ago  

Do birds ever land on your doodle? :P

Hahaha...not yet, though animals generally love me, so I wouldn't put it past them! 😉🤣😂😅😁🙏💚✨

 2 years ago  

Hahaha not everything wants to land on or grow on our doodles! >.<

 2 years ago  

What a way to live! Sounds truly wholesome and good! Dare I say, something about it just feels right?

That's exactly it! It very wholesome and feels very right! I truly love actually being able to live naked for years! Most can't say that, sadly! 😁🙏💚✨

Mmmm mm: I wish that I lived in a less public place/ conservative culture, where my natural body in the garden would be appreciated... My dream is to be running down a garden path barefoot under the stars and moon, and leaping freely into a big natural pool; when I sell my magical Italian arthouse, I'll be creating that dream somewhere where there is no-one to intrude! I love hearing about your beautiful escapades, dear @tydynrain - and thank you for bringing up the subject of #nakedgardening, @proto26 ! @exoexplorer - I thought of you, when reading about naked gardening! :-D

 2 years ago  

If you create that Clare, it's me that will be intruding!

Mmmm mm: I wish that I lived in a less public place/ conservative culture, where my natural body in the garden would be appreciated... My dream is to be running down a garden path barefoot under the stars and moon, and leaping freely into a big natural pool; when I sell my magical Italian arthouse, I'll be creating that dream somewhere where there is no-one to intrude! I love hearing about your beautiful escapades, dear @tydynrain - and thank you for bringing up the subject of #nakedgardening, @proto26 ! @exoexplorer - I thought of you, when reading about naked gardening! :-D

I so understand! It's really important to me to live in a place surrounded by nature, and where the wholeness of our beautiful Humanity is deeply and fully accepted, appreciated, and celebrated! It's so curious to me that the word 'conservative', which means conserving what works, came to be so associated with fear, guilt, and shame around our most basic and natural foundational human elements. To me living naked is most conservative of all...😂!

Your dream sounds so beautiful @clareartista, and I have no doubt that you will create that for yourself! I'm really grateful that you (and others) appreciate what I share about my life, and especially around nakedness, as that's such a very important aspect of my beloved human experience.

Thank you so much for your kind words and your appreciation! Thanks also to @proto26 for brining up the subject! Naked gardening (and living!) is the best gardening! 😁🙏💚✨

YeS!! 😍😍😍😍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌿🌿🌿🌿

Super big smile on my face! 😁😊

 2 years ago  

Who would have thought that with the powers of HIve, you could get a gardener from the south of Australia to imagine you naked in your plant kingdom. Thanks for that. As long as you don't stay still long enough for a vine to wrap around it...

And yeah where the bloody hell have you been!!!!! Do we have to wait til the Dec challenge?

That's funny about the beans... I love how seeds can have stories attached to them!

 2 years ago  

Hmm. If I start drafting it up now, I could very well end up with a masterpiece by December. And rather fitting as an end of year wrap up, too! Maybe I'll do that.
Plants latching themselves onto my extremities is a very real concern, considering how slow I move about. Lichen will start to grow on me first maybe on my elbows and knees and I'll pretty much become an ent.

 2 years ago  

I love the idea of you becoming an ENT!