Gardening - Foundation for Life!

in HiveGarden6 days ago (edited)

Being grounded. Being rooted. Especially deeply rooted. What do these words bring to mind? Where would we go, what would we do, to answer this simple question?

Source: Creator dandelion_tea on Pixabay

How about no further than just outside your home? In a garden!

There is something profoundly life affirming about being able to work in one and witness all the magic associated with them unfold as we do.

Renewal and Life

Spring. There is something about this season that never grows old. From the cold, dreary days of winter, we experience a renewal of life in the plants all around us.

Don't the birds seem to have a little extra sparkle in their singing out to us, as Spring returns? What do these birds know about the budding out of new, vibrant leaves, without which the process of photosynthesis would not be possible?

Source: Very nice web page for children on Science Sparks

What are the birds heralding? What do they know about this essential process undergirding life for all?


With the leaves coming out and providing nourishment, flowers return. How closely have you looked into new blossoms, as they unfold and display the exquisite and beautiful details they are storing inside?

Source: Creator kie-ker on Pixabay

Flowers which then attract the pollinators. Their name implies they are involved in pollination. Which is essential to the creation of a new generation of seeds. How dependent is life upon seeds?

Source: Creator terski on Pixabay

The birds. The bees. The flowers. The trees. There is just a marvel and wonder associated with all of the intricate details surrounding the ancient, life giving cycle of another growing season.

Involving ourselves directly with it, through gardening, is very healthy and life affirming for us in so many ways.

Teaching the Next Generation

Do you have children? Are they not the ultimate in renewal and life? Without whom there is no future?

What is the value to them of experiencing gardening with their mother and father? Learning what good, honest work looks and feels like, from the people most responsible for teaching it to them?

Source: Creator dandelion_tea on Pixabay

Whether focused on the beauty of flowering plants ...

Source: Creator olenchic on Pixabay

... or plants providing our daily food, they both are grounded and rooted in a very literal sense, in a deeper appreciation of the good earth all around us.

Is there anything more important to our future than happy and healthy children? Gardening has a wonderful role to play, in providing that to them!


Starting out exploring the Hive blockchain, this is one of the first communities I looked for, as I obviously think gardening is important.

In my contributions to it, I will try to do my part to provide some inspiration and encouragement.

Best wishes, until we meet again,



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I love gardening! In fact, I believe that permaculture design is very synergistic with open source development

Yes, I clearly do too, @ecoinstant. This is an unusual statement:

"In fact, I believe that permaculture design is very synergistic with open source development"

I am sure you have a lot of thought behind it. I will follow your account and see what I can learn about what this means to you.

Pledge made. Pledge kept, as you will find in the footer of this post, @ecoinstant . Integrity is important to me. And my definition is simple - what I say, I do. Never perfect, of course, but I do make a conscious and consistent effort.

Learning as I go, it was amazing to see you have 13,179 HSBI. Wow! Well, one more won't hurt anything, I guess. Hahaha ...

Seriously, it was nice to find that you must also be a big believer in the idea behind HSBI. As much as anything for me, given my crypto experience outside of the Hive blockchain, this concept must have been around for a while.

That is encouraging!

One of the smartest moves I have ever made! But my units are old men and have children of their own now 😅 , its definitely a longer term play if you want to build on HIVE.

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