Bowiea volubilis by Llez[1]
The Bowiea volubilis is a rather unique plant. It is a succulent bulb from Southern Africa, and produces a climbing vine during the growing season. The name “climbing onion" comes from this behavior, and the onion like bulb.
This plant has started to become somewhat popular with the houseplant community. Especially those interested in caudex type plants. The unique look of the plant certainly got my attention. It can be grown pretty similarly to other succulents. Just provide well draining soil, bright light, and something to climb on. Bowiea has two easily observed growth stages. It will go dormant, and lose the vine completely. During growth, the vine rapidly grows. It will climb anything within reach.
Bowiea volubilis Flowers by Llez[1]
Flowers are rather inconspicuous. During the growing season, it will produce these tiny flowers as seen above. While seeds can be obtained, it is usually better to propagate this plant through separation of new bulbs. This plant will split and create new bulbs to reproduce. These daughter plants, along with seeds, are able to produce the captive bred plants we have available today. If you go back ten years, this plant would be very difficult to find.
In my experience with the plant, I have noticed that this species can be very hardy. Underwatering should not be an issue. Bowiea is also not prone to having pest issues. Keep in mind that it is poisonous. Pets should be kept away from this plant.
[1]Llez Bowiea volubilis