in HiveGarden5 hours ago

don't have a leak, and we can't get anyone on the phone after the long weekend. It's a whole week's wages we don't even have so I'm pretty stressed and anxious about it.Ah, I'm so late with the #gardenjournal for early February - please forgive me! I had an utter stress out on the weekend with an insane water bill which was five times what it should have been. Even the bill suggested we check for a leak. But we

Whilst those without town water have let their gardens die, and are sad about tanks and dams drying up, we're still watering. The raspberries are having their second wind though I don't think they'll amount to much. Still, I munch on a couple every evening, fighting the birds to the fruit.


The garlic chives are so pretty when they flower, but they do send seeds everywhere so I'm always weeding little chive plants. Sometimes they grow between the cracks and are hard to pick out.


Little capsicums are doing okay in the wicking bed - I wish I'd planted banana yellow peppers or paprika instead as the big capsicum never get big enough before a worm or something gets into them, so I have to pick them small and green or have none at all.


The eggplant have been bumper this year - I'm just about to make some eggplant pickle. Even Jamie has been enjoying them fried with cummin and a drizzle of honey.


We've had a run of really hot weather so all the tomatoes are nearly done. The turmeric in the foreground below has done well in a pot in the sheltered position where the compost is and catches the stray water from the hose and handfuls of compost. As you can see the zucchinis and silverbeet are also still going beautifully.


We had a lull in the hot weather a few weeks back in which I planted beans seeds, so they're goimg healthy and strong. I wish I'd planted more - it might be too late now and I certainly can't plant much when it's this hot. The swede and beetroot plantings are going well too.


Honestly I've loved these yellow zucc - they are nicer imo than the blackjacks or midnight jacks. Plus the yellow looks great in salads. I'm going to be sad when zucc season is over - they certainly are going a little more slowly now.


This morning I was out early before it got too hot - weeeding, watering, picking. As I said last week as long as you do a little every day it doesn't get too much. Honestly the green you can see here is in direct contrast to the yellow fields beyond. It is so, so bloody dry. I know you've probably been seeing all the rainfall up north but it's a big country and we ain't seen any rain down here at all.


The apples closest to the tap have certainly done better - I've just been trying to carry a few buckets to one apple tree out of the reach of the hose. I'm just trying to keep it alive really as it's a good tree.



I'm definitely fed up with cucumbers - I planted a heap as the bugs were eating them all and I didn't expect any to survive!


If you'd like a new banner or a new circle logo for your #gardenjournal or gardening posts, head over to the community blog to get your circle logo or comment below for what you'd like for your banner. Let me know what URL you'd prefer eg,, and what image you'd like - I pull them from canva to make it easy, so please give me a choice eg nastursium or cactus or indoor plant so I can select which workds best!

With Love,



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If only we could ship some of our rain around the planet to you guys in Oz. We’ve enough of it here and as you know, two weeks of little rain, we declare drought here!

Your garden is positively thriving given the challenges.

i like it your garden :D

Even though you seem to be in drought, the garden is looking good through the lens. The last time we tried a garden and planted berries, chipmunks raided the strawberries. Those little devils would eat them down to where just the nub of the fruit was left hanging. I would take some of the cucumbers off your hands if we lived close enough. I love them as snacks. I do hope you get some rain for relief soon.

I got an $800 water bill the October my husband went into hospital. It turns out it was a hidden leak. That resulted in no water in the barn to this day, as I've never managed to get it fixed. And that was just for half a year. So I can sympathize with the huge bill! In years when I do have to water, even with the deep mulch, it can reach $500 for the half year.

But your garden is an oasis in a sea of yellow, for me that would be worth it.

Overall, it looks very satisfactory and nice, You can use the turmeric leaves ( they are big which is an advantage) to make cakes like us or something similar, the recipe is here.