

I love hops tea! So medicinal and tasty, and my hubs brews all sorts of beer (and wine and all manner of fermented drink) throughout the year, so I am excited to have home-grown hops of our own for him to experiment with!

 3 years ago  

Oh it's amazing as a tea isn't it? I have meditator friends that don't touch alcohol or any intoxicant but they drink hops tea so strong it'd make your face pucker up. I like it watered down in a chamomile/lavender/tulsi/rose blend I make. It's the best! WE started it for booze but never used it for that, only to calm ournevous system down. It's the best think for migraines, you know when you get a little panicky coz of the pain and can't sleep? A hops and chamomile with honey helps take the edge off.