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RE: Sacred Garden Journal :: my practical and spiritual preparation for spring

in HiveGarden2 years ago

If you allow it to be, weeding is a great form of meditation. Pulling up weeds can be a form of sympathetic magic. Some plants stay, those symbolize the positive things in my life that I love and hope to cultivate. Others, such as negative thought patterns, are discarded and go into the compost heap.

I love the attention you give to your garden in this way - it's so meditative and lends a spiritual reverence to your labour. I enjoyed this post - and the photo of the horse and butterfly - very much.

Funny how the negative thoughts in the compost turn into something nourishing and beautiful.


Thank you so much for reading and your nice comment! I just had to include the picture of Tila (the horse) and the monarch together. It is so rare that all the animals cooperate for my pictures, a truly magical moment and time of year!

And yes, I totally agree, it is very interesting how "weeds" or negative thoughts can be transformed!