Your garden updates are a lot more recent than mine XD I haven't done one for literal years x_x and it's looking happy :D
Not much got done in our vege patch this time round, most of it was planting avocado trees earlier in the year and then the puppy happened to them (there was bone meal so I guess she was looking for bones, it wasn't great for the fruit trees though). I have told J we need a better fence as the barricade he put up doesn't keep out the chickens never mind the dog -_-

I tend to only do them when something is happening and if I remember to take photos when I'm out there working in it. I also suppose it's only interesting to me anyway.
The dog terrorised your garden huh? That happens. Hopefully the damage wasn't absolute and those fruit trees can be saved.
She dug them up multiple times in her quest for bones that weren't there. Last I checked one of them was clinging to life but I'm not sure about the rest, I think J grafted some of their cuttings onto some other ones he was sprouting.
Hmm, well I guess she's just doing what she's supposed to do as a dog; that doesn't help y'all much but it can't be helped.
I have a friend who used to have a really nice garden...until he got a dog, and now he has a barren patch of land we refer to as the Nullarbor Plain. If you've ever driven across the Nullarbor from Perth to Adelaide that reference will make perfect sense. He doesn't seem to mind much, although we don't go there for BBQ's anymore. Lol.
🤣 I have not made that drive but my godmother has and she's told me a bit about it. Also done the image search thing even though it's not the same.
We've always had dogs so this wasn't expected for the phase of life she's in, it's just one of those annoyances that has to be dealt with till she grows out of it.
The Nullarbor is featureless...I had a mate who was so bald his head glinted in the sunlight...we called him Nullarbor nut. He didn't mind, most of the time. 😊
Nullarbor nut! XD
I thought that would give you a laugh. The guy didn't laugh at first, but saw the funny side of it soon enough. We called him Nully for short. Some of the blokes thought that was his real name! 😊