Hello everyone.
It is already end of February and weather is getting warmer here in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can notice the change in temperature in the garden as well as there are some flowers here and there and some buds are preparing to open.
Couple weeks back pruning was done. Yesterday we collected and cleaned pruned branches.
This year we had more snow then several previous years and snow did not brake any tree branches.
Like I said yesterday we did clean up and checking on some trees and plants.
Here are some photos of the garden and story about Taxus tree.
There was quite a lot branches to collect.
This is fig tree. While pruning fig tree you can use the branches that you cut off. You can get new fig trees by propagating from the cut off branches. At least we do. After pruning is done the branch parts are cut to 30 or 40 centimeters and you put them in the ground. In the spring or late spring you will see if process was successful.
Fig tree branches. I think there is around 20 branches planted. After they give roots and show buds you can replant them in Autumn on desired place.
The one with branch (second from right) was planted last year and this small branch grew. This year we may move it to another place.
You can use containers for the cuttings. Plant fig tree branches in containers and after you notice the roots plant them on their permanent spot.
Fig trees are propagated from fig tree branches as you could see in the photos. Here I want to share pear tree and the grafting method. This pear tree is old but it still gives delicious pears. Last year we got graft from other pear type and with grafting method it was successfully grafted.
It grew quite last year.
This is Japanese quince. Since weather is warmer its flowers are almost opened.
It is one of the first if not first bush that flowers in our garden.
This here is banana tree. It is its second winter in our garden. Again we did not managed to protect it as we planed during winter but last year it grew back.
You can cover it with or wrap around with something to prevent it from freezing. If protected it can grew taller.
Second winter and third year in our garden. It looks good during summer.
This is photo from last year.
Taxus tree
And this is our Taxus tree. It has quite interesting story.
It is planted around 20 years ago. We got three Taxus trees and they were planted on three different places. They grow slowly. Two other Taxus trees are quite big now. Story with this particular tree is that it is still after 20 years or so still so small. Reason? Lest say we are. For years when ever we mown the lawn some of us forgets about this particular tree and we cut it off. At the begging someone cut it of and since it is small every couple years someone forgets and cuts it again.
We would put some markings but in grass or over time you would just go over it.
But it still kept growing and growing. Last several year we put some markings and now each year we check it to be sure. So for several years it is growing nicely. Now its height is around 25-30 centimeters. Very resilient Taxus tree. When mowing the garden now ,as our small Taxus tree is bigger, it is easier to spot it.
I will share the other Taxus trees for you to see the comparison in size.
This is one of the other two Taxus trees. It is so big and branches are spread in all directions.
Here is other Taxus tree. You can see other on in the back. Snow and cold is not problem for them. Size difference between our small Taxus tree is very different but it grows nicely and it is nice sight to be seen as well.
Plants in greenhouse are doing well. Green onions are growing good and we collect it daily.
This is turnip. First time planting it in greenhouse and it grows nicely.
Newly planted onions and lettuce. They grow good and as weather is warmer they will grow faster.
Green onions are delicious. You can add them in pies or food and just eat them like this.
There is not much thing to be done in garden now. As weather gets warmer work will increase of course. Maybe we will replant some strawberries in recent days and wait for new garden adventures in March.
Photos by @sammy00