I just received my Christmas present from you :)

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)


This is my sixth post on the subject of electroculture & free energy (which are basically the same thing) and the rewards I received from those posts were very generous from you the people of Hive so I converted it to euros and invested €235 into a bunch of electroculture equipment. Thank you EVERYONE for making this possible for me. My commitment to you in return is the clear documentation of my electroculture journey, posted here on Hive always before it is posted anywhere else.


Feeling my excitement, my team were fast to get the boxes open.


The contents are delicate so there were plenty of bubbles to pop!


Here you can see exactly what I bought:


The most expensive item is the paramagnetic tower but the potential from this little tower is incredible. Please see my original post on this subject if you are confused why someone would spend €76.00 on a small tower for the garden.

Infusing family energy into bought products

We make most of our gadgets in this house so it is important when buying things that we take some time to infuse our own energy into it.

In this case I have figured out a way to make fibonacci spirals.


Using a small piece of wood I was able to carve out the shape and it seems to work pretty good.


My goal here is to add these spirals to this antenna.


I tried many different ways (solder doesn't seem to work for copper on copper) and in the end decided that a simple cork was good enough. Well, it's not just any old cork, it is a cork which has already been infused with energy from the children when they turned it into a boat this Summer.


I wanted five points to make a pentagon, one of the many powerful shapes in nature which quietly channel energy towards the centre.


It's not finished yet but my goal is to attach it like this, making sure there is an electrical connection between the two pieces.


In the garden it will be raised up at least 2M high with the electrical connection running all the way down a bamboo pole into the earth.

My new creation also makes a handy holder for the antenna while it is not in use!


Another important part of the energy infusion I mentioned is created by simply letting the children play.

Here is a roll of magnets in bees wax, clearly affecting the compass.


They are incredibly strong when placed in rolls like this.


I watched them play for a while, content they were not damaging anything.


Looking at all the paperwork which came with my goodies I love the way it is hand drawn like this. Super interesting to see there is a 200 volt output at 2 meters. I wonder how one measures this?


These are the notes of Yannick Van Doorne, the creator of all these products. His english website can be found here. Those of you following my blog closely will already know I am in communication with Yannick and intend to make some films this Summer which will be useful for him and the electroculture movement at large.

Very excited to learn something new here about how the energy works when you have two paramagnetic towers next to each other. Church Model on the left, Cathederal Model on the right.


Sorry it's all in French. I will explain everything in English as time goes on.

I've not set anything up in my garden yet because we have a New Year's party at our house tonight with 20 people coming and I would like to show them all what I have bought, because just as it is for every single person in the world, having an awareness of this old knowledge will benefit them in some way.

Thank you again for your part in this, great people of Hive!

I won't let you down.

Love & Light everyone 🌱



To solder copper to copper, you need to clean the spots where you want to do the soldering, usually with a fine abrasive. Then you need some solder rosin, preferrably the non-acid type. Rub a small amount on the spot that you cleaned, heat it up with the iron or torch until you can melt the solder a bit on it. Then you can join the 2 pieces with just a bit more solder.
I hope that helps.

 2 years ago  

Ah, this is great! I was wondering if anyone was going to offer any wisdom on that one.

Thank you very much 🙏


Hopefully you could run a small freezer and a few electrical appliances with this device.
At the moment I am using the Jackery 240 + 100 watt solar panel … but they only work when the sun is shining and cost me around $500 cdn.


I’m going to try this dynamo next … hooked up to my bicycle…


 2 years ago  

Love that dynamo! Your idea to hook it up to a bike makes me think of the old machines we used to have which were powered by pedals. I almost wrote a post about this a few months ago because back in the day it seems this was a very popular kind of machine. Perhaps, as is the way of the cycle, such ideas will become popular again with our current rise in electricity prices.

I would be very interested to see how you get on converting that bike!

Get your exercise and charge the battery at the same time. 😀

that rockstar cat :D

 2 years ago  


Rockstars like to sleep in basins when it is tooth brushing time apparently.


adorable 😻

That's very exciting! Bet the kids loved playing with the magnets. Have a grand party!

 2 years ago  

They really did in fact! Magnets and children go together :)

Happy new year!

I wonder how one measures this?

I have the same question about "electricity meters".

Happy New Year Sam and good work with the Electroculture.

 2 years ago  

Happy new year buddy! Looking forward to all the fun and games in the garden...

Intriguing. Enjoy playing Tesla! ;<)

 2 years ago  

Thanks Vincent. You know we will ;)

Happy new year!

I sure do :<)

Feliz ano novo, Sam!

Not sure if it was a typo or an error in your planning, but a hexagon has six points, not five.

 2 years ago  

It's an error! Thanks. I typed this one out pretty quickly this morning.

 2 years ago  

Hey cuddlekitten!

Thanks for dropping by here ;)