Snakes hey. I wonder if snakes have a natural predator they instantly recognise and steer clear of? If you kept a few birds of prey around the garden this should do the trick. Or even cats? We have snakes here but they are not dangerous, so i've never looked into this, but there is usually a simple solution.
That was indeed a yellow pear tomato, grown exclusively because my daughter refuses to eat red ones! Children are funny like that. They taste better this year than ever before, thanks i would say exclusively to the electroculture.
All the best to you and many thanks for the message.
Yellow pear are totally delicious.
the only simple solution to no snakes in this area is to up and move the the south of France :-)
They are simply everywhere, having a garden with chickens does not help one bit. :-)
nothing really keeps them out. things you can do... but its always a possibility.
we live in suburbia, so no real birds of prey, we do have pretty big crows and kookaburras, but they can't take on a grown snake. They will nab a baby every now and then though. These guys kill cats and dogs. Dogs being pretty susceptible to a bite from these guys.
Here is Australia, most stuff tries to kill you. lol.
Glad the tomatoes are tasty, nothing like home grown fresh of the vine. My kids are always in shock when i tell them how OLD the veges are they ate from the shops. who wants to eat a 2 year old apple. yuck lol
happy gardening