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RE: The Pumpkin House - double decker gardening to beat the heat

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

Awesome brother. I knew you would have some suggestions having experienced a much more consistent heat than ours. Beans would actually be perfect for this! Somehow we didn't plant any this year. Only the dwarf variety which grow without supports. Good call on staggering the planting. There are only so many beans one can eat each week ;)

I did wonder how a lack of secondary root points would affect the pumpkin plants and in fact I can't see that it has made any difference. They are still pushing 6M today (with at least a few more months left in the growing season) and don't seem like they want to slow down. Our biggest problem was the hail which killed 50% of the leaves and even completely snapped some of the growing points. New shoots are appearing now however and the roof is naturally re-building itself. Which is very heart-warming to see!

Six of the pumpkins have turned orange already and I am wondering if this means they are ready to harvest? Normally they don't change colour till later in the year.



i believe that most squash will show their ripeness when the stem dries up.

Nice looking red russian kale you have there on the bottom left!