Hey there! Thanks again for being the one to lead me to this most awesome subject. Crazy to think you've had "Elektrokultur articles waiting since years in my drafts on peakd"! You are well ahead of the rest of us.
If I were struggling to survive, one of the things i would do is set this up on a dedicated piece of land and grow the most amazing veg which I would sell at local markets to get people interested. I would document the whole process as a way to provide evidence for what I was doing and then I would also sell the devices and the techniques I employed for the building the devices. This kind of knowledge really has the capacity to change a person's life because so few people know about it yet. And even less are ready to turn their knowledge into a business.
haha that is exactly the plan
still hard enough to get any land with no means at hand (and quite the contrary, I see my permanent pain as disability - which also has its good sides/ lessons) in germany..
so I am planning to move to albania or georgia... :) still quite a challenge to accomplish
but I already managed to get companions :)
let's see
there are also many more plans
elektrokultur is only a little piece in a big vision of life
:) greets
Permanent pain is a massive disability!
That must be fixed. Have you looked at electromagnetic healing?
I believe devices like the Primer Cube are quite effective. And easy enough to make yourself thanks to amazing people like David LaPoint.
Must does not work
;) ^^
but PrimerCube looks very interesting..! do you know what's the lowest price one can get?
building one oneself is not easy atm, without tools, without home...
and without wifi... atm..
they put some electromagnetic thing around me in my stationary pain therapy
but I didnt feel anything from it
massage helped more
but it also looked like very old tech and was normal school medicine