Two young creators planting seeds for the future 🌱

in HiveGarden β€’ 3 years ago (edited)


After a little art in the morning our family trooped off to the garden specifically to plant peas today. On this occasion Luna was keen to do the planting.


In front of them you can see the peas we planted two months ago, getting ready to fill that frame.


Luna gently covering over the soil here :)


Esteban has this area as his own personal garden now.


He doesn't even ask any more. He just grabs the seeds and plants them. Today he planted some peas in this little square.


Here are the ones he planted two months ago.


Already holding on to the frame I built with their little tentrils.


Esteban said he wanted to plant something else in his garden so I dug up this bit of mint which also has some wild onions in it!


We planted it here in this hole, in his second bed along with some beans & peas.


Here's Luna & I catching some sun. Too bright for her to open her eyes.


Fifi also joined us on the hammock for a while. All animals need sunshine!


Finally, just wanted to show you these amazing grapefruit I picked from a tree which is growing no more than 20m from our house.


Don't know who owns the tree. Apparently no one. So, I picked a bunch. And they are ridiculously yummy!


No need even to add sugar and the flesh of the fruit falls away so easily with a spoon.


They are so sweet the kids will drink them in place of orange juice!

Love how nature provides exactly what we need exactly when we need it. In this case vitamin C during the winter.

In other news I am trading almost all of the time now, getting better and better...

But there is no moderation in my life at the moment and I feel my arms and legs cramping from my position. I know the answer is movement but am lacking a routine which works in the winter. In the summer I would just go sungazing with my fire-staff in the mornings which provides an excellent moment for vitamin D collection, inner reflection and exercise. Too cold out there at this time of year!

What I really want to adjust is my morning routine. As much as I love diving straight in to my work I know a period of silent meditation would better prepare me for the day. It is possible once a person understands what they are doing with trading, to set alarms (on the mobile Trading View app) at the levels one is interested to trade and walk away from the computer knowing that until an alarm is heard there is nothing which needs to be done.

Yes, I believe this is the way forward. This and a daily movement routine! Feel like yoga would probably help a lot, stretching out my body after all these hours of sitting.

I leave you with a shot of Esteban making the daily smoothie, alongside me making the bread!

It is the first time I've seen him so keen to be the smoothie maker and there is no question in my mind, those seeds we have been planting in him & his sister over the last few years, now they are sprouting ;)

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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Awesome that Este has his own garden area and planting seeds himself! I'm always in awe of what a wonderful headstart you've given your children. Regards Hunchbacked Trader stagnation and mixing up the routine: I have had the same problem with writing my book, editing my movie and building my website so I have gone back to a 4/8/12/4/8/12 Polyphase sleep system.... Except I have adapted it so that it actually works this time (no sleep deprivation). I sleep thru the midnight 12 and set no alarms to wake me up. Every 4hours I pause for a mini-workout (up to 3-4times per day) or go running... More information in this video...

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks for the link and return comment over on YT.

Yeah, cold showers are tricky in a cold house during winter when I'm feeling especially cold because I've been sitting down for hours! Temperatures get down to around -5 in the mornings and our crappy electric heaters don't do much to help us with this. So I prefer the exercise idea. After which a cold shower can be taken more easily. Thanks to you I did my first workout routine in ages yesterday and today I can feel my body again...

It was interesting to note how it kept me warm for a good hour after it. So yes, multiple workouts per day would at the very least enable me to take off the jacket & scarf while working at my desk!

That's exactly what I am suggesting.... Moooovement alarm every 4 hours, this can be FOLLOWED by cold shower (coz you raise body temperature.... or g straight back to work, depends how sweaty you get ...

What a beautiful natural garden you have! When the kids grow in nature, help with planting and see the circle of life, they grow responsible, happy and healthy :) This is the best childhood :)
I'm interested about the grapefruit tree ,in what climate conditions give fruit ? Is it frost tolerant?
Keep share the beautiful moments from your garden and days , it's amazing πŸ‘!

Have a nice sunny day !

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thank you for your lovely message. Wish I could tell you more about the grapefruit tree but I am still fairly new to all this. I am assuming that because it is in a small courtyard with high walls all around it, the frost doesn't affect it. I've seen beautiful orange & lemon trees here in our village too, but all the time protected by high walls around them. Normally citrus fruits grow further south in Spain where the climate is hotter, so I suppose the walls fix this problem here.

Yes , the walls that usually are built on the north side of the tree are called sun catchers . Maybe this year I'll try to make one of these and plant a citrus tree . For the cold winter in North-East of Bulgaria is almost impossible to grow citrus fruits. But my favorite part of the life in the village is the experiments, this is the best way to learn from nature :) Thanks for sharing :)

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Ah, you are giving your kids the BEST education, Sam! So lovely to see all your happy smiling faces. The skills you are teaching them are mroe important than anything. I know my son, who's nearly 25, is eternally grateful for me for teaching him how to cook - I could never get him to be enthusiastic about gardening though, ahah. However, his girlfriend is talking him into it now, so not all is lost. Happy New YEar to you all.

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

How to cook hey? Wish I could say that is something I will be passing on to my kids! How to make smoothies more likely ;)

Am sure your son's girlfriend will re-awaken within him that which you began.

Happy New Year!

It's so amazing and wonderful that you can grow food all year round! I have generally from about April to June and then September and October, as temperate months suitable for growing peas. The fall season is too short, I've found, but I can squeeze in a short crop in the springtime. Although in 2021 we didn't get a spring, so no peas at all.
Hoping this year will be different! Under a foot of snow at the moment, and 10 below freezing. Should be this way another 5 or 6 weeks, but then late February may bring some milder temps.
Great photos : )

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

What about if you start things indoors under lights, giving them a head start for those shorter seasons?

Since 2-3 months isn't a long enough season to grow anything except lettuce, that's exactly what we do here in Canada! Otherwise we would not be able to grow tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, and so on. Basically anything that has to flower and produce a fruit. We can grow herbs and other quick leafy greens without starting them indoors. :)
Do you start anything indoors? It's not a very efficient way to do things, but sometimes it's a must.

(2/4) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

It's amazing you are planting seeds and I am looking at frozen ground with too much ice to walk.

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

I don't know how you folks get through the winter when it is so cold. You are a strong breed I think! And I imagine you have a well heated home?

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Very well heated and well insulated. With the wood stoves, I try to keep it between 70F - 80F in the winter.

Beautiful post from beautiful people... πŸ˜‰
Happy New Year Sam, for the whole Family!
So precious that Luna & Esteban learn gardening so early..πŸ‘

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Happy New Year Luca!

It is going to be a great one... for some of us.

1 Love

I love to see you all in the garden and your wonderful kids taking such pride in planting. You will see all those seeds ye planted really flourish as they grow, the best thing we can do for our kids is to provide an environment for them in which they can thrive. Sending you all lots of love xxxxx

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Yeah, it's a cool feeling hey. Watching them thrive :)

And eventually they will be cooking the dinner for us!

Sending lots of love back to you & yours x

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

It is good to see your young ones experiencing planting at a very young age, for sure when they group they are will be a very good seed sower. Happy New Year!

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks brother. Fingers crossed they will both be good farmers ;)

Happy New Year!

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

You're welcome my brother. Good afternoon.

What a wonderful upbringing for Luna and Esteban

Great photographs. You have wonderful kids