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RE: Winter Coming in Upstate New York! A Big House/Tiny Garden 2023 Report

You harvested a lot of good food out of a tiny garden! My garden was much bigger...and nearly unmanageable. We used to have chickens, and I miss them. If we had running water at the coop it would be a lot easier, but that's not an option. So my husband had to carry buckets of water out there, not a problem except in the winter, when it was a BIG problem. I haven't figured out an alternative location, and the coop is big and permanent,anyway, so I don't suppose we will start over with chickens.

 last year  

I remember having to carry water out to my last coop in the winter - pain in the neck! And to shovel so that I could get there at all. I should probably give those tasks some more thought before I get chickens. Hm. Thanks for the reminder.

Could you move them closer to the house into temporary housing for the winter months?

That's an idea to consider!