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RE: Climate change or just a bad growing season

in HiveGarden2 years ago

That's right, but I do think that in the last 15 years or so our normal temperatures has risen by a few degree centigrade. Winter is always in the teens, but now it can go up to 30*c.
Thanks for stopping by @richardcrill . Have a beautiful day!


Maybe that much in the last 100 years, but I don't think that's a problem. Also, It's hard to say why that has happened. There are many factors of course, but I don't buy the current narrative that it's caused from human created carbon dioxide.

 2 years ago  

Indeed there are many factors, but honestly too much rain isn't good. Our city has been flooded twice in the last three months.
I just hope people will do what ever little they can to make this a better world.