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RE: Comment Challenge for Hive Gardeners! And Don't Forget the New Garden Journal Challenge starts Oct 1!

in HiveGarden2 years ago

A garden with no challenge is no garden at all. Frustrating as it is I an sure you will find a way to work around it. I am told human urine stink keeps animals away.
LOL I don't know how you'll do it, but you could give it a thought.
I have some scaly insects which have adapted themselves to the hibiscus plant and have colonized it. These have successfully stopped my plant from blooming. Neem oil mixed with dish wash soap is my answer. I have been at it for the last few days since I discovered them. Take a look at these tiny crab like creatures. They are the same color as the flowers, notice the petal in the same image.

 2 years ago  

Ew! What horrible things! I have heard Neem oil is good. Good luck getting rid of them!

Have you tried that urine thing sis @sofs-su?

 2 years ago  

Might help using ash. In India we have quite similar and people use wood ash for that.