Late September annual garden update

in HiveGarden23 days ago

As the growing season starts to wind down, there is less care we need to provide to these fruits and vegetables. We have had enough rain every few weeks to keep them happy. We already harvested a few cantaloupes of the mini variety. But hoping we may still get full sized ones before the end of the year. We have had many pounds of tomatoes and soon more peppers will be ripe as well.

The minis do not have as much meat as we would have hoped, so next year we are probably going to skip growing the mini cantaloupes.

This one popped right off the vine, smells strongly of cantaloupe.

It has been a hard year for these vines, melon aphids have tried to take over numerous times. But we always fight back with soap and salts and works well for a few weeks. Sometimes we need to repeat treatment sooner, we can tell when we see lots of ants walking around.

Placing them up on rocks we hope to keep them safe and not get any rot on the bottoms.

The broccoli plants have woken up and are producing crowns.

I need to go treat them for caterpillars though, seems like they are attacked a lot by insects.

Luckily I saw predator insects walking around on the broccoli too hopefully it feeds on the caterpillars.

The tomatoes are doing great now we are watering them less. Next year we will be more careful about over watering once they start fruiting.

We have an entire counter of tomatoes, lol.. next year we are gonna grow half the amount we have now.

The cherry tomatoes are coming back too.. hopefully next year they will do better.

One of the last things we harvest before the frosts show up is the sweet potato plants.

Some of the beds are doing great with the sweet potatoes..

The peppers are coming along nicely. Serranos can be seen turning from green to red.

We can pick the peppers whenever we want, so even if some do not turn red in time we can still harvest them and eat them.

The mini bell peppers are cute, but we will probably grow full sized ones next year.

The vine has completely covered one side of the trellis.

It is making its way over the other side, but I think winter will be here before it can finish arching over. It is full of flowers right now and bean pods are growing.

The Trinidad scorpion peppers are starting to ripen. So cool to see them form like that.. one ugly pepper.

I bet they are going to be intense. When ripe they can be over one million units.

Wonder what the green ones are like, and how bad the spice intensity is.

Some cayenne peppers growing, its cool to see them curl like that.

A few of the tomatoes that did not get cages, one of the reasons we should grow less next year. We really want to save some of the big tomato cages for the tomatillos as well.

Soon I should have some garlic to plant into the beds, but first I am going to do a little conditioning and deal with the settling occurring in the raised beds. And a few months probably around the first of the year, I will start seeds indoors in preparation for next growing season.


How nice to see your garden with a wide variety of crops.
One of my dreams as a boy was to live in nature but then life decided otherwise and I find myself living in an apartment in the city and my only luck is to have a park under my house so that I can at least walk surrounded by greenery.
Congratulations on what you do and your post shows all your passion for nature
!discovery 30
@tipu curate

I can relate. Exactly the same thing is happening for me too. We live in a concrete jungle and there is cement everywhere. Thankfully I happen to have a small space where I have some plants and trees. But I want more nature around me too. 🙂


thanks, sure do have a lot coming up this year. Hopefully one day you can have a garden. In the mean time you can enjoy the greenery at local parks.

appreciate the curation


Ecency vote ♥️


very interesting. great job❤️❤️❤️


Overall, you did a great job on your garden.😊 Hope yo see more harvest soon. 😊

Much appreciated, we are harvesting this and that just about every day.

Oh.. you saved a lot this year. I think.😊


How great to see this update of the garden, the melons written look very good, they are really delicious fruits, what a shame that some pests are visiting the plants dear friend @solominer
you do very well to put stones under the melons to prevent them from rotting underneath.
You are doing an excellent job, enjoy the fruits of the garden very much

They sure are tasty, thanks.. yep those stones really help out.


Damn. That's a nice garden. To many peppers for my liking but the broccoli is looking good. I've never been able to get broccoli to the finish line..

There's no such thing as to many tomatoes.

So that fence you used for the beans... what do you think about using something like that on the outdoor cannabis plants?

Oh yeah? This is our first time growing broccoli.

Cannabis is not really a climbing plant like vines are.. but if I turned the screen on its horizontal then it would work well as you have mentioned before.

You'd have to make it smaller.. no taller than 5 feet and 5 feet across the bottom like the letter n


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I am impressed with your gardening efforts :)
Keep it up mate


The whole process of harvesting and cultivating takes time, patience and above all knowing what affects and what favors. It is a job that requires passion to achieve good results ❤️

It sure does take time and patience. But its all worth it I think.


I would say your garden was a success.

me too.. much better this year.. thanks to the shade cloth to getting us started.. a good suggestion you made.

I am glad to hear it helped, I use it on all new plants and later take it off.


Wow, wow, wow, it a nice update, nice to see that, one of the things that makes us feel excited is when we see our plant growing up so healthy and nice, you are indeed a good Gardener, the fruits are looking nice and healthy, the peppers are nice, I must confess you did a nice and clean work, thank you so much for sharing, more grace.

yep the fruits and peppers are all coming along nicely.


What a great garden, I always love your Passion in planting, now a days, to be a successful and surviving man in this life, you have to plants because that the only hope of man tomorrow, planting is very good, you did a nice work, your plants are growing very well, we all know that planting is not an easy work, it's always needs patience, good work 👍👍👍👍👍👍 more blessings to you.

thank you, it is all coming along quite nicely.


It's a nice thing to put our hands together and plant, because now it is the only hope of man, despite the stress and cost, there will be joy at last, good to your efforts on it, all of your plants are very well growth, you did a nice update, welldone.

Yep.. even with the problems I had.. still got many fruits to eat which is nice.



I'm really envious of your yard for having such a good harvest.
I also have a yard, about 80 square meters, but due to my laziness, it is almost barren except for some peppers and eggplants.

Oh thank you, previously where I lived we had a tiny yard.. so I am really glad now I can grow much more where I live now.

Peppers and eggplants are good though.



No sé si te percataste de esto, pero tú tomate estaba sonriendote JAJA 🤡, estoy en shock 💀 por cierto ya conseguí hierba

haha it does kinda look like that..

good, glad you got some.


The question that naturally arises is: why mini melons in the first place? If melons, then the really meaty ones that are so versatile. Very, delicious!😋
This broccoli seems to have made a mistake at some stage in its growth process. For what it is proudly displaying here looks like the second stage of the harvest, in which small fruiting flowers are developing on almost all of its stems. Either way, it will never get a forceful head again. 😉
My motto is the same every year: next year there will be fewer tomatoes for sure! But when last year's seeds start to develop into plants in the spring, I don't have the heart to just throw them away. 😮
PS: Maybe the cantaloupe melons will grow out better next year if they are blasted with the right music?😊

Probably a botany project... if someone can breed a plant differently they will just so they can name it.

Just like with bush cherries, they exist but are not as good as the full sized variety. Seems most minis are mostly seed/rine.

Yeah we messed up on planting the broclli too late in the spring.. so it just did nothing until fall but now it seems to be waking up.

haha maybe.. but just giving them the right amount of water and keeping those aphids at bay should help too.

As far as aphids are concerned, I have had good experience of planting lavender and nasturtium between the plants. In addition, I always have a barrel of rain water to which I add leaves of stinging nettle and comfrey. The cabbages are then sprayed with this 'liquid manure'. But be careful — don't get the slurry too 'hot'.


Wow, it is always so inspiring to see garden pictures from someone whose heart is in taking care of whatever is produced! I always get so inspired, but too much to do in all directions to do similar stuff in my garden now... The most crazy looks like the Trinidad Scorpion Pepper... is that something really strong stuff? Looks grumpy to me, wonder what it feels like as you put it in your mouth!

Ah glad you liked seeing my post about the garden.

Yeah that trinidad scorpion pepper is very hot.. in the top 5 most spicy peppers.. over one million heat units.

I would not try to eat it raw.. just gonna make stuff out of it like sauces and such. If I ate it raw, may burn a hole in my stomach.. lol


Nice to see your garden. The vegetables are a little different from what we can grow in our locality. But it is nice to know new things.

Maybe some of those might as well grow in our weather. Don't know about it. All the best. 🙂

Ah yeah I am sure from place to place it all looks a little different.



I was moved to see the results of your melon plant, I think in the agricultural side you always get good results, like this melon plant, the fruit also looks very perfect, friend.

Yeah we are glad we got some melons too.. not all of them made it to ripeness but a couple did and they were tasty.

Melon is one of my favorite fruits, if I were around where you live, I would definitely taste the fruits of your melon plant 😊
