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RE: Memories from the Preparation of our first Vegetable Garden in Permaculture [EN - FR]

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)


I love seeing these enthusiastic first attempts, as they remind me of my own ones: Enthusiastic fellows who have read quite a bit but have zero experience, constantly second guessing themselves, like: "Is this actually permie?" - "Not sure, but it makes sense, so let's just do it."

Digging the soil I don't really consider that bad, as long as you don't do it regularly, or leave it exposed. But even when building a sheet-mulching bed, I like to stab the ground a good number of times with a fork, for aeration, water, and a general passageway for creatures.

I particularly enjoyed your little retaining wall that resulted from wanting to have a level plot on a slope. Very well done, but I bet you learned really fast that it would be easier to work with the slope instead. :-)

But I was so glad to see you hauling manure, straw, and leaves to your little field! So much better than poisoning it, or dumping a bunch of instant fertilizer (to be instantly washed away by the next rain).

Thanks for sharing! I can certainly say: "It's permie, it's all very permie!"

 2 years ago  

Thanks you for your long and detailed appreciation :D

At half of the making processI really enjoyed asking myself those kind of questions that appear from the action of doing it ! We indeed read a lot with my brother, but at that time, we lacked of real experience as this one was our first tangible ^^ !

Know I think we’ll do that a bit differently but on a close basis.. Still without any transformed chemicals, as I’m radically against those type of products !

Thanks again, can’t wait to start the new ones :) Have a good day 💫✌️